

Christof Aichner, Dr. phil., studied history in Innsbruck and Zurich. 2010-2015 Collaborator in the FWF project "The Thun-Hohenstein Educational Reform 1849-1860" at the University of Innsbruck. 2015-2019 Collaborator in the project "LFU 350", a research project on the 350th anniversary of the foundation of the University of Innsbruck in 2019. Christof Aichner is secretary of the Commission for Modern Austrian History. Main research interests: University and academic history, regional history.

  Mitchell G. Ash is Professor Emeritus of Modern History at the University of Vienna, and a member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. His work focuses on the recent and latest history of science in political, social, and cultural contexts. Relevant recent book publication: Universität - Politik - Gesellschaft (ed. with Joseph Ehmer, 650 Jahre Universität Wien, vol. 2), Göttingen 2015.

Matthias Berg, Dr. phil., research associate at the Historical Commission at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, previously working at the chairs of History of Science and Modern History and Contemporary History, respectively, at the Humboldt University of Berlin; research interests in the history of science and historiography of the 19th and 20th centuries; monographs: "Karl Alexander von Müller. Historians for National Socialism" (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2014), "Die versammelte Zunft. Historians' Association and Historians' Days in Germany 1893-2000: vol. 1.", "From the German Empire to the Founding of the Federal Republic" (Wallstein 2018); current research project: "The New German Biography (1940-1975) - a Biographical Memory of the Federal Republic?".


Beate Ceranski, PD Dr. rer. nat., studied physics, mathematics and Protestant theology at the Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, postgraduate studies and PhD in history of science at the University of Hamburg, teaches and researches at the University of Stuttgart at the Department of History of Science and Technology of the Historical Institute. In addition to - and in! - the history of higher education, she is also interested in the gender history of science and technology. In addition, the history of microphysics from radioactivity research to high-energy physics and the history of science and technology historiography are among her fields of work. Recently, she has also worked extensively on (the digitization of) university collections.

  Ning de Coninck-Smith is professor of the history of education at The Danish Institute of Education at Aarhus University, Copenhagen Campus. She has written extensively in Danish/English about the history of schools, children and childhood. She was the co-editor and contributor to a five volume History of Danish Schools [Dansk skolehistorie gennem 500 år], 2013-2015. She is currently engaged in another co-editing project, A cultural history of higher learning (six volumes), (hopefully) to be published by Bloomsbury in 2023/2024. She has recently published Gender encounters university - university encounters gender: affective archives Aarhus University, Denmark 1928-1953, Women's History Review, 29:3, 413-428, DOI: 10.1080/09612025.2019.1611123.

Pieter Dhondt (1976) is Senior Lecturer in general history and Head of the Department of Geographical and Historical Studies at the University of Eastern Finland. He published extensively on, for instance, the intercultural transfer of university ideas within Europe in the nineteenth century, the history of academic mobility, student revolts and university celebrations. His current research focuses primarily on medical history, including the development of medical education at universities and colleges of higher education and the history of medical uncertainty. His recent books include, as editor University Jubilees and University History Writing. A Challenging Relationship (Leiden: Brill 2014) and together with Elizabethanne Boran, Student Revolt, City, and Society in Europe: From the Middle Ages to the Present (London: Routledge 2017).

  Edith Glaser has been Professor of Historical Educational Research at the University of Kassel since 2005. She received her doctorate from the University of Tübingen in 1989 with a thesis on the beginnings of women's studies and habilitated at the University of Halle-Wittenberg in 2000 with a work on the education and professionalization of women teachers in the 19th century. In addition to women's and gender studies in educational history, her research focuses on the analysis of educational reform processes after 1945 and the disciplinary history of educational science. Together with Alexander Kather, she is working on a digital exhibition project on 50 years of the Gesamthochschule/Universität Kassel.
  Martin Göllnitz, Dr. phil., born 1982, studied History and German Studies at Kiel University. From 2014 to 2017, he conducted research there as a research assistant at the Department of Regional History, where he also received his doctorate with a study on the agency of young academic Nazi functionaries. Immediately afterwards, he researched and taught as a visiting scholar for six months at the University of Odense (Denmark) and from October 2017 to February 2019 as a research assistant at the Department of Contemporary History at the University of Mainz. Since March 2019, he has been a research assistant at the Chair of Hessian Regional History at the University of Marburg. His research interests include the history of universities and science in the 19th and 20th centuries as well as the history of security, violence, and terrorism in the modern era.
Anton F. Guhl, Dr. phil., historian, since March 1, 2017 academic staff member at the Department of History (ITZ) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, studies in Hamburg and NUIG Galway (Ireland), PhD as scholarship holder of the German National Academic Foundation on the denazification of the University of Hamburg in Hamburg 2017 (DGGMNT-Förderpreis 2017, published by Wallstein 2019), research and teaching as well as resulting publications on the history of higher education and science, on biographical history and on political history in the 19th and 20th century.


Gisela Hürlimann has been an Acting Professor of Technological Cultural Studies at KIT since October 2019 and is completing her habilitation at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). She received her PhD from the University of Zurich and was a senior assistant at the Chair of History of Technology at ETH Zurich until February 2020. In 2014, she was Fellow for Economic and Social History at the GHI in Washington DC, and in 2017 she represented the Professorship for History of Technology at the TU Berlin. Her research and publications concern the history of technological innovation, economic development, transportation, psychiatry, children's homes, migration, public finance and fiscal states, and currently farm animal-human-machine relations. She is an advisor to the Iron Library's conferences on the history of technology and to NZZ Geschichte.
  Alexander Kather studied history, Romance studies, and education at the Universities of Kassel and Strasbourg. Since 2020, he has been a research associate at the Chair of Historical Educational Research at the University of Kassel. His main areas of interest are school and university history, the historical development of subject teaching and subject didactics (foreign languages, history), and German-French educational history/relations. Together with Edith Glaser, he is working on a digital exhibition project on 50 years of the Gesamthochschule/Universität Kassel.
Sarah Katharina Kramer has been a doctoral candidate with Prof. Dr. Eckart Conze at the Seminar for Modern History at Philipps-Universität Marburg since May 2018. Her PhD project has the working title "University Protests at Philipps-Universität Marburg in the 1960s and 1970s. Conflict Dynamics and Perceptions of Threat".
After studying history, German language and literature, education, and Latin philology at Philipps-Universität Marburg as well as University College Cork (Ireland), she was initially employed as a research assistant at SFB/TRR 138 "Dynamics of Security". Since July 2018, her PhD project has been funded by a scholarship from the Marburg Working Group for University History.
  Verena Kümmel is a research assistant at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt. From 2018 to 2020, she led the historical research project on Waldtraut Krützfeldt-Eckhard as the first rector of the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt.
She studied history, art history and economics at the TU Darmstadt. After stations in Münster, Darmstadt and Mainz, she earned her doctorate at the University of Duisburg-Essen with a thesis on the handling of the corpses of Pétain and Mussolini. University history is one of her focal points; in 2008, for example, she curated the exhibition "100 Years of Women's Studies at the TU Darmstadt" and published relevant essays.

Sabine Lauderbach, Dr. phil., (b.1984), has been project coordinator of the volume on the 75th anniversary of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz since late 2016. After receiving her master's degree in economic and social history/political science from the University of Mannheim in 2007, she first worked for two years in the corporate archive of BASF SE as a staff member on the "150 Years of BASF" project. Subsequently, she completed her doctorate as a DFG scholarship holder in Mainz and Rome on the Holy See's image of Europe in the First World War. After a trainee program for junior managers in sales (2014), she returned to the University of Mainz as managing director of the Institute of Classical Studies in early 2015. Her interests lie primarily in science management and project coordination.



Piotr M. Majewski (1972), associated professor at the University of Warsaw. In 2009-2017 he was deputy director of the Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk, Poland, where he was responsible for development of its permanent exhibition. His scientific interests are primarily focused on Czechoslovakia and Czech lands and on the Czech-German relations in 19th and 20th century. He is also a co-author of two volumes of history of the University of Warsaw in 20th century.

Photo: J. Szafrański


Catherine Maurer is a professor of 19th and 20th century history with a focus on German history at the University of Strasbourg and a former member of the Institut Universitaire de France. Her most important publications are Der Caritasverband zwischen Kaiserreich und Weimarer Republik. Zur Sozial- und Mentalitätsgeschichte des caritativen Katholizismus in Deutschland (Freiburg im Breisgau, Lambertus, 2008), Les espaces de l'Allemagne au XIXe siècle. Frontières, centre et question nationale (Strasbourg, Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2010), "Une université nazie sur le sol français. Nouvelles recherches sur la Reichsuniversität de Strasbourg" (Revue d'Allemagne, 43/3, 2011) and La ville charitable. Les oeuvres sociales catholiques en France et en Allemagne (Paris, Éditions du Cerf, 2012).
  Juliane Mikoletzky, Mag. phil. Dr. phil., studied history and German language and literature at the Ruhr University Bochum, 1986 doctorate, worked as a researcher at the Westphalian University and other institutions. Assistant at the Westphalian Economic Archives in Dortmund, at the Ruhr University in Bochum, and as a university lecturer at the University of Vienna. Since 1992 researcher at the University Archive of the TU Wien. Assistant at the University Archives of the Vienna University of Technology, 2001 - 2015 as director, since then freelancer. Main research interests: Economic, social, technological and scientific history of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Klaus Nippert, Dr. phil., Magister artium; studied history, German language and literature, and Middle Latin philology, followed by an archival clerkship in North Rhine-Westphalia. 2001-2002 work at the Historical Archive of the City of Cologne, since 2002 head of the University Archive Karlsruhe, since 2009 as KIT Archive, since 2017 additionally in the service unit General Services at KIT head of the main department Documents (departments Archive, Crossmedia, Print Service, Document Management). Publications on topics of late medieval and early modern history, on the history of technical universities and on literary studies, editor of the series Publications from the Archive of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.


Marcus Popplow, Prof. Dr., PhD at the University of Bremen, then working at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (Berlin), the BTU Cottbus and as a freelance historian, substitute professorships at the University of Stuttgart, the University of Salzburg and the University of Augsburg, 2014-2016 professorship for the history of technology at the TU Berlin. Since 2016 Professor of History with a focus on the History of Technology at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Dean of Studies at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences there. Vice-Chair of the Society for the History of Technology and member of the Scientific Board of the journal "Technikgeschichte". Areas of interest include the history of knowledge in technology, the history of the engineering profession, and the history of technology in teaching and the public sphere.

  Ole Sparenberg, PhD, since January 2019 scholarship holder of the Gerda Henkel Foundation and lecturer at the KIT Institute of History, from 2011 to 2018 research associate at Saarland University. 2010 PhD at Georgia Augusta University Göttingen with a thesis on the history of deep-sea fishing and whaling in the Nazi era (published by Duncker & Humblot in 2012), member of the DFG Research Training Group "Interdisciplinary Environmental History" and fellow of the FAZIT Foundation. Research, teaching and publications on economic and environmental history of the 19th and 20th centuries; current research project on the history of deep-sea mining 1965-2020.
Vivian Yurdakul has been a project assistant at the Independent Historical Commission on the Reappraisal of the History of the Reich Ministry of Labor during the National Socialist Era since 2019. In parallel, he is preparing a PhD project on the change of law commentary in the Third Reich. Previously, he studied German Literature and History at the Humboldt University of Berlin and History and Culture of Science and Technology at the Technical University of Berlin. His research interests include the history of medicine and law under National Socialism as well as the history of scientific institutions in the Third Reich.

Daniela Zetti has been a PostDoctoral Researcher at the Institute for the History of Medicine and Science Research at the University of Lübeck since April 2020. She studied at the universities of Giessen, Mainz and Zurich. Degree (Lic. phil.) at the University of Zurich in General History; PhD thesis at ETH Zurich 2013 in History of Technology. Her main research interests are history of technology and history of knowledge. Daniela Zetti was a project collaborator of "ETHistory" for the 150th anniversary of ETH Zurich in 2005. Currently she is researching the early history of telecommunication networks for teaching and research.

  Gunnar B. Zimmermann, Dr. phil., born 1976, from 2017 to 2020 research associate at the University of Hamburg's Center for University History and co-editor of a four-volume history of the university on the occasion of its 100th anniversary. Since 2017 lecturer in the Study-Abroad-Program of Smith College (Northampton, USA) as well as organization of the lecture program of the Verein für Hamburgische Geschichte. Doctoral thesis in 2018 as a scholarship holder of the Hamburg State Graduate School on "Bürgerliche Geschichtswelten in einer modernen Metropole" (published in parts in 2019 by Wallstein Verlag), further work on the history of science and universities, memory and remembrance culture, civic studies, and biographies.