History as a profession?

Career guidance for the gymnasium course level

The end of school is approaching - and the world is changing. Which profession do you choose? Which subject has a future? The world is changing rapidly and presents us with major challenges. Historical awareness of the context in which we live is essential. Knowledge of history has perhaps never been as important as it is today.


Is history the right subject for me?

What can you actually expect when studying history? What content does it cover? Can I set priorities? And what about practical aspects? Can I gain professional experience during my studies? What requirements do I actually need to study history? Is the Latinum still compulsory?


And what career can you actually pursue with a degree in history?

Is the job market in the humanities really as bad as its reputation, given that the cultural sector is huge? How can I supplement my history degree with a minor subject? What else can I do to find my dream job? What other places of work besides museums and schools will a degree in history open up for me?


This advisory workshop for upper secondary school courses at the Department of History at KIT offers exclusive insights into studying history and the career prospects afterwards.

Further information will soon be available here or at marcus.popplow∂kit.edu




Junge Leute, Schulklasse, an Tischen sitzend. Zeigen "Daumen hoch".