![]() During the orientation phase one week before the start of the semester, the GeistSoz student council will provide you with all the important information about commencing your studies. Read more by clicking here |
![]() In May 2024, the Grundgesetz will be 75 years old! To mark the anniversary, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research has decided to focus on freedom and democracy as the theme of the Year of Science 2024. But how has democracy developed in Germany? Contemporary historian and professor Rolf-Ulrich Kunze spoke to Campusradio about the long and complicated path to democracy in Germany. |
![]() In the Karlsruhe Underdogs podcast, EUKLID students Nicolas Novak and Martin Ullmann present an (unknown) historical biography from Karlsruhe's city history every month. The approximately one-hour episodes are published by Campusradio Karlsruhe. The women's rights activist Kunigunde Fischer and the railroad pioneer Emil Kessler have already been presented. Puzzle fans can also try out Novak's Mystery Places, the monthly historical quiz game from Campusradio. |
![]() On February 10, Andrea Acle-Kreysing and Désirée Schauz and their seminar participants visited the Oberer Kuhberg concentration camp memorial in Ulm, one of the early concentration camps. Between 1933 and 1935, National Socialists detained opposition activists, primarily from the ranks of the Social Democrats and the KPD, in the cold and damp rooms of the former Ulm fortress. In her welcoming address director Nicola Wenge gave an overview of the history of the Ulm memorial and its diverse tasks. Angel Ruiz Kontara gave a guided tour of the historical site and the permanent exhibition. Using the example of a prisoner biography, the participants were given an insight into the memorial's source and research work. A tour of the special exhibition "'Man wird ja wohl noch sagen dürfen...': Zum Umgang mit menschenverachtender und demokratiefeindlicher Sprache" also provided an opportunity to discuss the relevance of the memorial's political education work to current events. The excursion was funded by the GeistSoz student council. Link_more |
![]() ... is the title of the current feature by Stefan Fuchs (ZAK) and Rolf-Ulrich Kunze on the occasion of the Science Year 2024 and the 75th anniversary of the German Constitution in the Campus Report of March 26. In the podcast "Gloomy prospects for the 20s of the 21st century " the KIT contemporary historian gives an assessment of the prospects for 2024. |
![]() Tobias Markowitsch, seconded teacher at the Department of History, was successful with his students from the Bismarck-Gymnasium Karlsruhe in the Federal President's History Competition 2023 (video of the award ceremony). More |
From January 11 to 13, an international workshop took place in Berlin, "Krise Europa, Utopie Lateinamerika. Positions of Jewish Writing between the "Old" and "New" World". The workshop was co-organized by Andrea Acle-Kreysing, who gave a lecture on the first German anti-fascist organization in Mexico and its fight against racism and anti-Semitism. |
The 43rd History of Technology Conference of the Eisenbibliothek in Schaffhausen/CH was dedicated to the topic "Good, durable, safe. Demands on the quality and safety of technology in history". Marcus Popplow, member of the scientific advisory board (photo) and conference board, and Nicole Hesse represented the KIT Department of History. The latter spoke on issues of safety and efficiency in the use of wind energy. The conference papers are published by the journal Ferrum. |
![]() To mark the 82nd anniversary of the Wannsee Conference, the memorial is organizing a panel discussion on the question of what options are available today to counter anti-democratic structures. At the conference on January 21, 2024, Désirée Schauz will join a panel of experts to discuss the topic "From the Weimar Republic to National Socialism: The Failure of the Social Elites". Read more by clicking here |
![]() In November, the Association of Baden-Württemberg Women Scientists awarded this year's Maria Gräfin von Linden Prize in the categories of life sciences and humanities/social sciences at the Heidelberg Center for American Studies. Nicole Hesse (3rd from right in photo) was honored as one of four finalists in the humanities/social sciences for her research on wind energy use and its significance for current debates. Every two years, the event is dedicated to raising the profile of female research and excellence in Baden-Württemberg. Read more by clicking here |
Online event: Potentials of historic school buildings The round table with representatives from the fields of architecture, architectural history and urban and regional planning will develop perspectives for the refurbishment and extension of historic school buildings in line with conservation requirements. The focus is on two Dortmund school buildings from the decades around 1900, the preservation of which is desirable from both a conservation and ecological perspective. Wolfgang Sonne, TU Dortmund: The cultural-historical dimension using the example of the Kreuzschule monument in Dortmund (1913); Eva Reber, BDA: The conceptual dimension using the example of the study on the extension of Dortmund's Mörike elementary school (1891); Marcus Patrias, BDA: The structural dimension - "Durability in change" - school construction in an almost closed system; Thomas Eltner, TU Dortmund: The social dimension in the interplay of participating institutions, social challenges and political objectives; Moderation: Stefan Poser, Department of History(stefan.poser@kit.edu).
Current lectures |
![]() Technical innovations such as the steamship, the use of trawls and cooling with ice led to a new dimension in German deep-sea fishing as early as the 1880s. Ole Sparenberg gives an insight into the origins and problems of industrial fishing on the high seas in the BR podcast series "Alles Geschichte - History von Radiowissen". You can listen to the report via the following link. Hear more by clicking here |
95,500 pages from historical sources on the history of education in Baden have been digitized by the Badische Landesbibliothek (BLB) in recent years: on Karlsruhe, there are documents on "Gymnasium illustre", Polytechnische Schule, TH Karlsruhe and KIT. The concluding session of the project will take place on July 25, 2023, 7 p.m., in the lecture hall of the BLB. Tobias Markowitsch, Silke Zimmer-Merkle, Klaus Nippert (KIT Archive) and Gerrit Heim (BLB) will approach this long history from multiple perspectives. The event will also be held in the context of the anniversary celebrations "200 Years Polytechnic University", which KIT is celebrating in 2025. Read more by clicking here |
![]() A new volume of "Studies on the History of Technology, Work and the Environment" has been published by Waxmann Verlag (Münster) under the title Historical Production Logics of Technical Knowledge. The contributions are dedicated to Helmut Maier on his 65th birthday and address current, interdisciplinary topics in the history of technology, the environment and science. Read more by clicking here |
![]() The thematic focus Techische Hochschulen - Perspektiven der Universitätsgeschichte in the newly published Jahrbuch für Universitätsgeschichte (Franz Steiner Verlag) goes back to a lecture series at the Department of History under the direction of Anton F. Guhl. Here, for the first time, a broader spectrum of TH/TU history is examined. The editors of the focus are Anton Guhl and Marcus Popplow. Read more by clicking here |
![]() In MDR's "Past Forward" program, Kurt Möser comments on the speed limit debate from a historical perspective (minutes 15:30 - 20:20). |
![]() In the fourth contribution to the podcast series of the KIT Climate and Environment Center, Marcus Popplow talks with Joshua Bayless about topics and research approaches in the history of technology and the environment. Hear more by clicking here |
We are pleased to draw your attention to the anniversary symposium of the German Association of Sports Museums, Archives and Collections (DAGS), which will take place on October 12/13, 2023 in Maulbronn on the topic Organizing Sports. On the history and future of sports clubs and associations in Germany with the participation of KIT (Institute for Sports and Sports Science IfSS). Deadline for registration is 5.10.2023. Read more by clicking here |
![]() In its podcast series "Der Rest ist Geschichte" (The rest is history), Deutschlandfunk repeatedly covers topics related to the history of technology. Most recently, Kurt Möser was interviewed in detail about the tradition of the automobile as a freedom machine. More |
![]() Life par excellence, and the most diverse sciences are virtually teeming with errors - and Renate Dürr's lecture would like to take a closer look at some of them. The dates are Monday, 13.11.2023, 9.45 - 11.15h and Monday, 15.1.2024, 9.45 - 11.15h at ZAK, building 01.87. More |
![]() The winter semester has begun! On Monday, Oct. 21 2024, the first semester students are welcomed into the study program European Culture and History of Ideas (for the BA and the supplementary subject History: 11.45-13.00, for the MA 13.00-14.00, both in building 30.91, R012).
![]() In the winter semester 2023/24, PD Dr. Désirée Schauz (Leibniz Center for Contemporary History Potsdam) will take over the chair at the Department of History. Schauz holds a PhD from the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Cologne and was a research fellow at the German Historical Institute London. Her courses in the winter semester are linked here. Welcome! More |
![]() In the newly published 'Handbuch Wirtschaft im Nationalsozialismus' by De Gruyter Oldenbourg, Ole Sparenberg presents the chapter on 'Environment and Economy', in which he analyzes the interactions between the natural environment, economic activity, and state policy between 1933 and 1945. During this period, progressive approaches in nature conservation legislation were contrasted against the fundamental priority of environmentally harmful autarky and rearmament. Read more by clicking here |
![]() In her lecture on 14.7.2023, 12 o'clock, Nicole Hesse presents an excerpt from her dissertation, in which she deals with discourses around historical wind energy futures. One result in advance: crises, especially "fossil" energy crises, always lead to taking recourse to wind energy. Read more by clicking here |
![]() Nicole Hesse offers a historical overview of the eventful history of the use of wind power in the article "Regression or Progress?" of the current issue of the KIT Newsletter Climate and Environment. Her research demonstrates a better understanding of energy issues among historical electricity consumers and self-suppliers - more decentralization could also bring about a greater awareness of the need for the energy turnaround today. Read more by clicking here |
![]() The Department congratulates the group of the Schülerakademie Karlsruhe, which under the leadership of Dr. Petra Boschert and Lars Boschert has won the first prize in the "Intermediate" category at the science festival "Effects" with a project on Leonardo da Vinci! Marcus Popplow, as the accompanying scientist, was very impressed by the curiosity and commitment of the group, which can be seen here at work. |
![]() We are pleased to point out that on July 1 of this year, the Medieval Day in Heidelberg will take place with the participation of KIT (German Medieval Studies): with a lecture by Rainer Leng on "Sacred Places of Pilgrims" and a contribution by Mathias Herweg ,"Wonderful Place of the Orient: Travels to Magnetic Mountain by and with Duke Ernst, Marco Polo, Sindbad, and Jim Knopf". Read more by clicking here |
![]() "Construction - Deconstruction. Bauingenieure im Krieg" - Uwe Fraunholz, Maximilian Gasch, and Anna Mattern (Dresden) curated the online exhibition of the German Digital Library and will be available for a Q&A session on June 30, 2023, 12 a.m., at the Online Forum History of Technology at Noon at the GTG. Read more by clicking here |
![]() Travel by mouse click: the digital edition of Johann Conrad Fischer's travel diaries (1773-1854) - this source and mediation project will be presented by Franziska Eggimann (Schaffhausen) on Friday, June 16, 2023. The online lecture begins at 12 noon. Info for interested parties under the following link: Read more by clicking here |
![]() On June 17, 2023, the exhibition The 80s are back starts. It is a large panorama of this key decade. Rolf-Ulrich Kunze has written an introduction to the global-historical framework for the catalog, and his brother Heinz Rudolf Kunze, musician and author, has provided an exhibit for the show. Read more by clicking here |
![]() Patrick Kupper (Innsbruck) will speak on Friday, June 2, 2023, on the topic How can the historical sciences contribute to understanding the energy transition? The colloquium starts online at 12 a.m. Info for interested parties at the following link: Read more by clicking here |
![]() Would you like to know what the EUKLID degree program is all about and what studying history and philosophy looks like? Then you've come to the right place! Building 30.91, Room 012, 11:00-11:30 h with Silke Zimmer-Merkle. Why not also listen to the event on the elective subject Technology Assessment, which takes place directly afterwards: "Sex Robots, Intimacy, and Ethics: A Case from the Field of Technology Assessment". Ethical sex work with robots - is it possible? In the taster lecture, the elective subject Technology Assessment will give a small taste of the diverse topics of TA research. The lecture language is English, 11:35-12:25 h with Bettina-Johanna Krings and Giovanni Frigo. Read more by clicking here |
![]() Thomas Morel (Wuppertal) spears on May 19 2023 in the series History of Technology at Noon on the topic Mathematik im Bergbau: zur Wissensgeschichte der Markscheidekunst (1500–1800) (mathematics in mining: on the history of knowledge about mining surveying). This online colloquium starts at noon. Read more by clicking here |
![]() For the summer semester we welcome Dr. Andrea Acle-Kreysing as a historian at the Department of History. She holds a PhD from Cambridge and is a former Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellow. Her research areas include German-speaking exile in Latin America during the Nazi period and racism and anti-Semitism in the 20th century. Welcome! |
![]() In Deutschlandfunk Lebenszeit series, Kurt Möser evokes the joy of analog technology and the nostalgia of pre-digital times in the program Sehnsucht nach dem Gestern? When Old Technologies Find New Lovers (May 5, 2023). Hear more by clicking here |
![]() Sophia Merkel received the Future Prize of the German Society for Journalism and Communication Studies (DGPuK) for her master's thesis "Nationalization of Childhood through Children's Media in the German Empire" written at the Department of History of KIT. The prize was awarded at the annual meeting of the section on March 30, 2023 in Leipzig. It honors outstanding dissertations and master's theses in the history of communication and is financially supported by the Ludwig Delp Foundation. |
![]() At a lecture in the context of the "Day of the Swiss Garagists" in January 2023, Kurt Möser spoke, in a journey through time, about the "historical fascination" with the automobile, fuelled by electricity, gasoline, and steam in the past, and to visions for the future, and pleaded for a more open exchange about possible futures of this personal "freedom machine". Read more by clicking here |
![]() It's all about you - on Girls' Day at KIT! In the workshop About female scientists and mathematicians with Renate Dürr, you will get an exciting insight into the life of researchers. For more information, please click on the following link! Read more by clicking here |
![]() In an interview with the BNN, Rolf-Ulrich Kunze comments on the problem of German pacifism in historical politics and its relationship in the political "Era". Read more by clicking here |
![]() Rolf-Ulrich Kunze gave an interview with a group of 9th-graders of the Justus-Knecht-Gymnasium in Bruchsal, who are making a documentary about the triggers and reasons behind the First World War in their history class. Requests of this kind are always welcome at our Department of History! |
![]() The research field in technical history of deep-sea mining for manganese nodules and their resource development under economic, political, legal and cultural aspects was the topic of PD Dr. Ole Sparenberg's inaugural lecture on February 8, 2023. After a subsequent Q&A session, the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prof. Dr. Michael Mäs (on the right in the picture), was awarded his habilitation diploma. |
![]() Thomas Schütz (Stuttgart) presents as part of the GTG's History of Technology at Noon series the topic Everything has its time - the coffee table book as a means of popularization. The online event on Friday, February 10, 2023, begins at 12 noon. Read more by clicking here |
![]() Kobold, Knirps und Flirt - Sammlung, Dokumentation und Erforschung der rheinisch-bergischen Schirmindustrie im LVR-Industriemuseum (Kobold, Knirps and Flirt - Collection, Documentation and Research of the Rhenish-Berg Umbrella Industry in the LVR Industrial Museum) - this is the title of the lecture that Regina Weber (Oberhausen) will present as part of the online colloquium History of Technology at Noon. The event will take place on 27 January 2023, starting at 12 noon. Read more by clicking here |
![]() On Wednesday, February 8, 2023, 5:30 p.m., Ole Sparenberg 's inaugural lecture will be on Deep-Sea Mining, ca. 1965-2023. The Protracted and Open Resource Evolution of Manganese Nodules. Location: South Campus - Chemistry Lecture Hall No. 2 (HS2), Building CS 30.41, Fritz-Haber-Weg 2-6. |
![]() On Friday, January 13, 2023, Lennart Nickel (Hagen) will deliver an online lecture on the topic "With one click. The digital competence center for crafts and technology at the LWL Open Air Museum Hagen". Starting at 12 noon. Interested parties are cordially invited. Further info at: Read more by clicking here |
![]() Based on the text and image material from Kurt Möser's unique book collection, which has been in the Baden State Library since 2021, the exhibition brings to life the fascinating history of early aviation. Exhibition opening is January 31, 2023 at 7 p.m. in the lecture hall of the BLB. The exhibition is a cooperation between the Department of History and the Badische Landesbibliothek.
![]() We wish everyone a relaxing semester break, happy holidays and a good start into the New Year 2024! |
![]() The student exhibition "Strassbourg - Colmar, Munich" is supported by the KIT |
![]() On 12 January 2022, a panel discussion with the Minister of Transport Winfried Herrmann took place in Stuttgart on 70 years of mobility in Baden-Württemberg. The Ministry of Transport published this brochure on that occasion. Kurt Möser's contribution to it: "70 Jahre bewegtes Land - Autoland Baden-Württemberg" is a compact introduction to the mobility history of that southwestern state. Read more by clicking here |
![]() As part of a BMBF project, Karlsruhe Scientific Publishing KSP has published the extended new edition of the "Kursbuch Geschichte der europäischen und globalen Moderne. Arbeitsformen, Fragestellungen, Texttypen" by Prof. Rolf-Ulrich Kunze as a free open access ebook and print-on-demand: https://publikationen.bibliothek.kit.edu/1000148814. |
![]() In the winter semester, Georg Stöger from the University of Salzburg is visiting professor at the Department of History. We are pleased that he brings his research focus in European environmental history to the department, for example with a lecture on the history of energy. His latest book on the environmental history of the city of Linz can be downloaded here. |
![]() At the beginning of the winter semester, the longest-serving historian in the Department of History, Dr. Klaus Eisele, retired. His undergraduate teaching of contemporary history has familiarized generations of history students in Karlsruhe with history as a science and with topics in regional and general contemporary history. Eisele will continue to be associated with the department as an adjunct professor. Weitere Infos |
![]() On Friday, December 9, 2022, at 12:00 a.m., the Gesellschaft für Technikgeschichte (GTG) will continue its successful History of Technology at Noon series with another online colloquium. The lecture by Mikael Hard (Darmstadt) is titled Technical Landscapes and Material Culture. A contribution to the discussion. Link zur GTG-Infoseite |
![]() In November, the podcast "Robots: The Unknown Knowns" was published by Experimenta in Heilbronn. It illuminates the topic from a technology-historical and contemporary perspective; guest and interview partner was Stefan Poser. Hear more by clicking here |
![]() With the topic Traffic Telematics - A History of Past Technology Futures? Silke Zimmer-Merkle represents the History Department at the Long Night of Science in Karlsruhe. Future ideas of self-driving vehicles have accompanied us in the history of automobilism for a very long time. But what part did these ideas actually play in shaping the technology? What role did they play in social discussions and political negotiation processes? And what did people actually imagine self-driving cars to be in the past? This is the subject of the lecture, which starts at 7 p.m. in the Triangle. Programm-Link |
![]() The history of mobility is characterized by fascination and hopes for the future. Kurt Möser's texts collected in this volume show this for automotive mass motorization as well as for amphibious vehicles or electric airships. The volume is available for free download here. It opens the new edition of the "Studies on the History of Technology, Work and the Environment" published by Waxmann Verlag (Münster). |
![]() For the winter semester, we welcome Dr. Tobias Markowitsch as an adjunct lecturer in the Department of History. Markowitsch has been a teacher of German and history at the Bismarck-Gymnasium in Karlsruhe since 2006, department head for the humanities section of the Schülerakademie Karlsruhe, and since 2019, regional studies officer at ZSL for the Karlsruhe/City region. A warm welcome! |
![]() "The Past Futures of Artificial Intelligence, AI Development in German-German Comparison" is the topic of the online lecture by Rebecca Roschy (Dresden) on Friday, November 11, 2022. The event will take place every two weeks during the semester on Fridays from 12:00-13:00 via Zoom. More info at: Read more by clicking here |
![]() The semester begins! First semester welcome sessions will be held on Monday, 10/24/2022 (Building 30.91, R012). BA EUKLID: 11:45-13:00 (https://campus.studium.kit.edu/ev/SYS1vHGqRMGAE2oHCDep_Q/de) MA EUKLID as well as EF History / Philosophy: 13:00-14:00 (https://campus.studium.kit.edu/ev/oUIGl10mQ7-csSCJ9L5ZLA/de) (Therefore, Mondays usually do not start until the second week). |
![]() On 11.8.2022 SWR2 Wissen broadcasts a documentary on the history of the German national anthem. Rolf-Ulrich Kunze is interviewed by Almut Ochsmann on the aspects of nationalism history. Hinweis zur Sendung |
![]() The historical-political educational institution Lernort Kislau is organizing a workshop on July 29 on the topic "Ehrenmänner? Street names put to the test" at the International Meeting Center in Karlsruhe, which is aimed at interested young people. It will start at 2 p.m. Link_more |
![]() Water and river engineering through the centuries on the Rhine, Moselle, Neckar, and Murg will be the topic of a conference of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für geschichtliche Landeskunde am Oberrhein (Working Group for Historical Regional Studies on the Upper Rhine), the Department of History of KIT, and others in Mannheim on October 7-8, 2022. The Mannheim conference aims to adopt an interdisciplinary perspective on this topic area in order to bring together the aforementioned aspects of technical, environmental, political, social, and economic history. The program on Friday includes, among others, the lecture by Tilman Wagle; he will present the Murg and its resources as a socionatural setting. The moderator of the evening lecture will be Marcus Popplow . |
![]() Energy sufficiency, i.e., limiting and reducing energy consumption, is an important concept in the discussion of sustainable energy futures. But energy sufficiency within everyday practices is not new. In the current issue of TATuP, Nicole Hesse, together with Christian Zumbrägel, looked at historical dimensions of energy conservation and showed how energy history can contribute as a critical instance to current debates. Link zur TATuP Ausgabe 31/2 |
![]() A statement by Marcus Popplow on whether one can learn from the history of technology can be found in the latest issue of the KIT magazine lookKIT (p. 28/29). There, "MrWissen2go" Mirko Drotschmann is also introduced, who studied history in Karlsruhe and is now very successful in science communication on YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram (p. 8/9). Link zur Ausgabe |
Online lecture history of technology over lunch Time in the observatory - on the development of technical standards is the topic of the upcoming lecture in the series "History of Technology over Lunch" of the GTG. Sibylle Gluch (Dresden) will present the topic, afterwards there will be the possibility to ask questions. The colloquium on Friday, July 01, will begin at 12 noon. Interested persons are welcome! Weitere Infos |
![]() Working on the Periphery. Personal Computers and Local Networks in the Swiss Federal Administration, 1980-1995 will be the topic of Mirjam Mayer 's (Zurich) lecture on June 3, beginning at 12 noon. As part of the GTG series History of Technology at Noon, short lectures followed by an exchange of ideas will take place every 14 days. Interested parties are cordially invited! Read more by clicking here |
Rolf-Ulrich Kunze receives Faculty Teaching Award 2023 Rolf-Ulrich Kunze was awarded the Teaching Prize of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 2023 for outstanding teaching at KIT for the multi-perspective course 50 Years of Limits to Growth in WS 2021/22. The Club of Rome report "Limits to growth" of 1972 stood at the beginning of the epoch of environmental movements and environmental policy. In the main seminar and the lecture series created by a student initiative group with ZAK, the anniversary of the 50th publication provided the occasion to have leading experts present current issues of growth, post-growth, sustainability, climate change and energy transition and to discuss them in the main seminar. Read more by clicking here |
KIT Campus Day and Master Fair: The EUKLID Study Program Introduces Itself At the KIT Campus Day next Saturday, May 14, schoolgirls and high school graduates will have the opportunity to get information about the history program EUKLID at our information booth: Researcher Silke Zimmer-Merkle and students of history will answer your questions. Further information about the program can be found here: https://campustag.sle.kit.edu/programm.php. The KIT Master Fair on June 1 offers BA graduates a lot of information about master studies. Interested persons have the opportunity to get advice and participate in lectures and much more. |
Online Lecture: Military History of the Chemisch-Technische Reichsanstalt As part of the GTG's online lecture series "History of Technology over Lunch," Simon Große-Wilde (Bielefeld) will speak on May 6, 2022 on the topic "Testing, Researching, Regulating. The Chemisch-Technische Reichsanstalt as a departmental research institution from 1919 to 1945". The event will be coordinated by Marcus Popplow (KIT) and Gisela Hürlimann (TU Dresden). Interested parties are cordially invited to attend this one-hour lunch meeting! Weitere Informationen |
![]() In the April 29 edition of "Planet Wissen" (WDR), Rolf-Ulrich Kunze will be the studio guest on the topic of historical genealogy. The program will be broadcast on WDR and SWR both at 10:55 a.m. and is available online. More |
![]() Since April 1 Uwe Fraunholz back at the TU Dresden and continues the DFG project "Willy Gehler" at the Institute of History. We thank her for the fruitful cooperation and wish her a good return to research. Nicole Hesse starts at the summer semester as a research assistant at our institute with the research focus on the history of wind energy. The department welcomes you! |
![]() On April 22, the Gesellschaft für Technikgeschichte (GTG) will start a new round of the popular series Technikgeschichte über Mittag (History of Technology over Lunch): in the online lecture, Luca Thanei (Zurich) will outline the topic "Near-Earth Space. Scarcity of a Resource, 1970-2010." The event is aimed, among others, at chairs and professorships in the field of history of technology and the students there, as well as those interested in the field of history of technology. Informationen |
Information from the historical science on the war in Ukraine For background information and statements on the war in Ukraine, we refer to the extensive link list of the historiographical Internet portal HSozKult. |
On the 50th anniversary of the presentation of the Club of Rome report "Limits to growth" for dpa, including Welt online: https://www.welt.de/wissenschaft/article237149023/Club-of-Rome-Der-Stand-nach-50-Jahren-Grenzen-des-Wachstums.html; interview for 3Sat Wissen NANO: https://www.3sat.de/wissen/nano/220302-rome-nano-108.html. |
Online lecture: History of Technology at Noon "Gramophone, Tape, Hard Disk: New Recording Techniques in 20th Century Music," is the title of the online lecture Michelle Ziegler (Basel) will give next Friday, February 11, as part of the GTG's History of Technology series. The originally planned colloquium by Sibylle Gluch has been cancelled. Read more by clicking here |
![]() On Friday, January 28, 2022, at 12:00 p.m., the online lecture series of the Gesellschaft für Technikgeschichte (GTG) will feature Felix Mauch (Munich) on "Logistical Singapore, 1848-1942. Attempt at an Approach." Interested parties are cordially invited to this history of technology over lunch event! Weitere Informationen |
![]() As part of the online lecture series of the GTG History of Technology over Lunch, Walter Hauser (Oberhausen) will speak on January 14, 2022 on the topic "An Industrial Museum reinvents itself: The LVR Industrial Museum Zinkfabrik Altenberg in Oberhausen in the context of a "new industrial culture". The event will be coordinated by Marcus Popplow (KIT), Gisela Hürlimann (TU Dresden), and Uwe Fraunholz (KIT). Interested parties are cordially invited to this one-hour lunchtime session! For the Zoom access link, contact klaudija.ivok@kit.edu. Link zur Veranstaltung |
Rolf-Ulrich Kunze in BNN interview: Weimarization of society Rolf-Ulrich Kunze, Professor of Modern and Contemporary History at the Department of History, has commented in a BNN interview on the current anti-democratic tendencies in German society. He interprets the signs as an alarming "Weimarization" in the middle of society. The article, dated December 28, 2021, is published under the title "Schamgrenzen sinken, Aggressivität steigt", can be read at the following link, access is subject to a fee. In this context, we would also like to refer to the call for more objectivity in crisis situations of the Alliance of Science Organizations, of which KIT is a member. Link zum Artikel |
![]() Next Friday, Dec. 17, 2021,Yvonne Schellhorn (Bielefeld) will lecture on the topic "Burden versus Expertise: The NS Memory Culture of Departmental Research Using the Example of the German Office for Material and Goods Testing of the GDR (1945-1964) - A Workshop Report". The online colloquium in the lecture series Technikgeschichte über Mittag of the Gesellschaft für Technikgeschichte (GTG) will take place under the direction of Marcus Popplow, Gisela Hürlimann and Uwe Fraunholz, beginning at 12 noon. |
![]() Of railroad masters, route runners, and rota leaders. What does it mean and to what end does one study maintenance history? In the online colloquium "History of Technology at Noon" (GTG), Martin Meiske (Munich) will speak on this topic on December 3, 2021, 12 noon. Further information can be found under the following link. Link zur Veranstaltung |
![]() The online lecture by Lena Asrih (Dt. Bergbau-Museum Bochum) as part of the fortnightly series "Technikgeschichte über Mittag" (History of Technology over Lunch) is about knowledge history(s) of georesources 1000-1500. The colloquium will take place on Friday, November 19, 2021, 12 p.m., more information on registration can be found here. Cordial invitation to students and interested parties! |
![]() In a segment on Deutschlandfunk radio, Kurt Möser comments on the history of the car as a status symbol. Click here for the podcast link. On the subject of "The automobile - the first 50 years," Bayerischer Rundfunk broadcast a report on November 22, 2021, under the radioWissen heading. In it, Kurt Möser reports on the technical and practical challenges faced by the automobilists of the first hour. On the podcast Terra X - History by "Mr. Wissen to go" Mirko Drotschmann, Kurt Möser tells historical stories about "do-it-yourself". |
Springboard Karlsruhe - in the direction of Paderborn PD Dr. Korinna Schönhärl has been Heisenberg Professor of Modern and Contemporary History at the University of Paderborn since October 1, 2021 - we wish her all the best for her new challenge! From October 2020 to March 2021, she worked as a substitute professor for technology cultural studies at KIT. As she did at KIT, Ms. Schönhärl is also working in Paderborn on the international history of tax morality - a topic that has recently received greater attention again in the context of the Pandora Papers scandal. Historical analysis also arouses the interest of the media, e.g. in Spiegel and Deutschlandfunk. Link_more |
![]() Anniversaries are a central point of reference in our historical culture - but the anniversary itself also has a history. Both are especially true for universities as social elite forges, which derive their prominent function also from their tradition. Academic foundation anniversaries thus refer to central fields of social relevance attributions. This is shown in the newly published anthology "Staged History. Mediality and Politics of European University Anniversaries from 1850 to Today". During an online forum on November 22, 2021 , the editors Anton F. Guhl and Gisela Hürlimann presented the publication. The volume is available for download in PDF format. |
![]() 'Research-based learning in the history of technology using the example of the MINTgrün project laboratory "HistLab"' is the topic of a lecture by Nina Lorkowski (Berlin University Alliance) on Friday, November 5, 2021. As part of the GTG series History of Technology over Lunch, the lunchtime snack, which is aimed here in particular at students and those interested in studying, will take place online in the usual form. With MINTgrün, the TU Berlin offers a 2-semester orientation program in the STEM subjects. A special feature of this study program are project labs such as "Artifacts of the History of Science and Technology" (HistLab), in which theoretical content is put into practice and applied. Weitere Informationen |
![]() In the lecture series 50 Years of Limits to Growth. Perspectives on the Club of Rome Report of 1972, Prof. Dr. Christian Pfister, professor emeritus of economic, social and environmental history at the Institute of History of the University of Bern, will show the actual causes of today's climate emergency. The lecture will take place online on Thursday, January 20, 2022, 16.00-17.30 h in cooperation with ZAK. The full program of the series can be found at the following link. Weitere Informationen |
![]() On Friday, October 22, 2021, at 12:00 p.m., the Society for the History of Technology (GTG) will continue its successful History of Technology Over Lunch series with a new online colloquium. Alwin Cubasch (Humboldt University of Berlin) will present the topic "Meal System for the Elderly: NASA Food Technology and the Food Knowledge of Culinary High Modernism in Rural Texas 1975-1977." Link_more |
![]() PD Dr. Gisela Hürlimann has held the W3 professorship for History of Technology and Economics at the Technische Universität Dresden since September 1, 2021. From October 2019 to September 2020, she had represented the professorship of Technological Cultural Studies at the Department of History of KIT and continued teaching here until March 2021. We warmly congratulate her on the new position! Gisela Hürlimann will continue to be associated with the Department of History here, be it through the joint online lecture series"Technikgeschichte über Mittag" (History of Technology over Lunch), through the anthology"Inszenierte Geschichte / Staging History" (Staged History / Staging History) edited with Dr. Anton F. Guhl and sponsored by the Institut für Technikzukünfte, or through the supervision of student theses. Mehr |
![]() For the conference"Water and River Engineering in the Upper Rhine Region. Southwest Germany, Eastern France and Northern Switzerland, 14th-20th Century" on geomorphological, economic and ecological consequences in river engineering, please send an abstract (ca. 250 words) and a short curriculum vitae to krimm@ag-landeskunde-oberrhein.de by 31 October 2021 . The conference will be held in Mannheim, Germany, October 07-08, 2022, organized by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für geschichtliche Landeskunde am Oberrhein and the Department of History at KIT, among others. Weitere Informationen |
![]() Vom 17.–19. September 2021 findet die gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Technikgeschichte (GTG) und der Gesellschaft für die Geschichte der Wissenschaften, der Medizin und der Technik (GWMT), organisiert durch das Technische Museum Wien und die Universität Wien statt. Die Tagung ist vollständig online und es ist keine Registrierung erforderlich. Das Department für Geschichte ist mit Marcus Popplow (Vortrag: Im Schatten der Science Fiction. Zur Chronologie und Repräsentativität historischer Technikzukünfte) und Christian Vater (Vortrag: Was messe ich mittels eines Imitationsspiels? – Turings verhaltenszentrierte Metrologie menschlicher Eigenschaften) vertreten. Gisela Hürlimann (TU Dresden) und Philippe Priester (KIT) sprechen über "Schnittstellen, Normen und Verfahren im nutztierlichen Verwertungskomplex während der Hochindustrialisierung". Das Programm mit allen Zeiten und Zoomlinks finden Sie unter https://skalen.univie.ac.at/. |
![]() Die Lehrveranstaltungen des Departments für Geschichte für das kommende Wintersemester sind nun auch auf unserer Website online: https://www.geschichte.kit.edu/lehrveranstaltungen.php. Interessierte können sich über ILIAS in die Kurse eintragen. |
![]() Schon jetzt möchten wir auf eine Veranstaltung aufmerksam machen, deren Initiative und die thematische Ausrichtung auf eine Gruppe fortgeschrittener Studierender im Studienfach Europäische Kultur und Ideengeschichte (EUKLID) und ein Oberseminar zum Club of Rome-Bericht zurückgehen: In der Ringvorlesung "Grenzen des Wachstums", werden das Auseinandertreten von Diskursen und politisch-ökonomische Realität in Fragen des Wachstums und der Umwelt aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive in den Blick genommen. Dabei werden aktuelle umweltpolitische Debatten und aktivistische Perspektiven mit einbezogen. Die Veranstaltung findet Donnerstags, 16–17.30 h, 14-tägig ab 21. Oktober 2021statt und ist eine Kooperation des Department für Geschichte und des ZAK. Weitere Informationen |
![]() Welche Bedeutung haben die nahen Dinge unseres Alltags für die Konstruktion unserer Identität? Wie hängen sie mit unserer Erinnerung zusammen? Diesen Fragen geht das Experiment von Rolf-Ulrich Kunze im Grenzbereich von Literatur und Kulturgeschichte nach, um in persönlichen Dinggeschichten etwas über subjektiven Materialismus herauszufinden. Link zum Verlag |
![]() Mal haben sie über die großen, mal die kleinen Dinge gestritten, aber gestritten haben sie eigentlich immer. Der Podcast „Lammfromme Streithammel“ aus der Feder von Prof. Renate Dürr setzt unter der Mitwirkung von Max Hagelstein, Frank Heinrich, Christian Langner, Viet Nguyen, Cedric Quintus mittelalterliche Philosophen in Szene. Der Podcast ist noch bis zum 18.7.2021 auf den Seiten des Mittelaltertags der Universität Heidelberg abrufbar. Link zum Podcast |
![]() Gerne möchten wir auf ein diesjähriges Großereignis hinweisen: Der 53. Deutsche Historikertag findet vom 5. bis 8. Oktober 2021 an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München pandemiebedingt digital statt. Neben dem umfangreichen Programm gibt es u.a. auch interessante Angebote speziell für Promovierende und Young Professionals, ein Schüler:innenprogramm, und Sonderveranstaltungen wie das Netzwerk Berufsorientierung. Link zum Veranstalter |
Im Rahmen der Online-Vortragsreihe der GTG "Technikgeschichte über Mittag" spricht am 30. Juli 2021 Ole Sparenberg über das Thema "‘Tiefseebergbau nach Manganknollen, 1872-2021: Ressourcenwerdung zwischen Technologie, Wirtschaft, Politik und Ökologie". Beginn ist um 12.00 Uhr, koordiniert wird die Veranstaltung von Marcus Popplow (KIT) und Gisela Hürlimann (TU Dresden), Interessierte sind zu dieser einstündigen Mittagsrunde herzlich eingeladen! Informationen zur Anmeldung |
![]() Astrid Kirchhof (HU Berlin) hält im Rahmen der Online-Reihe "Technikgeschichte über Mittag" der GTG am 16. Juli 2021 einen Vortrag über den Uranabbau in der DDR mit methodische Anmerkungen und Schlussfolgerungen zu einem aktuellen Zeitzeugenprojekt. Informationen zur Anmeldung finden Sie hier. Herzliche Einladung! |
Ankündigung Online-Vortrag: ‘Versehrtenfahrzeuge‘ in der DDR Im Rahmen der Online-Vortragsreihe der GTG "Technikgeschichte über Mittag" präsentiert am 02. Juli 2021 Elsbeth Bösl (UniBw München) das Thema "‘Versehrtenfahrzeuge‘ in der DDR". Interessierte sind zu dieser einstündigen Mittagsrunde herzlich eingeladen! Für den Zoom-Zugangslink wenden Sie sich an klaudija.ivok@kit.edu. |
![]() The current thematic issue "Technology and Future" of the academic journal "History of Technology" contains an introduction to the topic by Marcus Popplow as well as contributions by Moritz Müller on the discourse on industrial robots at IG Metall, by Szilvia Gellai on the Minnesota Experimental City and by Christoph Ernst / Jens Schröter on technology demonstrations in digital media. More |
![]() Am Freitag, den 21. Mai, 16:00-19:00 Uhr, veranstaltet die Arbeitsgemeinschaft für geschichtliche Landeskunde am Oberrhein in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe das Forum Landesgeschichte. Das Besondere an dieser Auflage des Forums ist, dass es auf einem studentischen Forschungsprojekt basiert, das aus der Lehre am Studiengang EULKID hervorgegangen ist. Es sprechen die Karlsruher Studierenden Nicolas Novak, Nils Osenberg, Alissa Schneider und Martin Ullmann. Beiträge von Marian Füssel (Göttingen) und Anton F. Guhl (Karlsruhe) dienen der weiteren Einordnung des Forschungsprojekts zur Frühgeschichte des 1825 gegründeten Karlsruher Polytechnikums, dem ältesten Vorläufer des heutigen KIT. Das Forum findet als Online-Veranstaltung statt. Anmeldung unter: krimm@ag-landeskunde-oberrhein.de. Weitere Informationen |
Was kann die Digitalisierung für die Technikgeschichte leisten? Das Department erforscht hierzu in Kooperation mit dem IMI-Institut mittels Simulationen die virtuelle Rekonstruktion von historischen Maschinen, um neue Erkenntnisse für die Objektforschung zu gewinnen. Erste Ergebnisse am Schwetzinger Wasserpumpwerk (1762) sind in einem Video dargestellt. Wie digitale 3D-Modelle die Wissensvermittlung von technischem Kulturerbe unterstützen hat Erika Érsek auf der diesjährigen technikhistorischen Jahrestagung des VDI in einem Vortrag vorgestellt. Infos zum Projekt |
![]() On April 23, 2021, the Gesellschaft für Technikgeschichte (GTG) will launch a new online colloquium every two weeks on Fridays from 12:00 to 1:00 pm. Research and publication projects, exhibitions, study programs, teaching concepts or conference plans on the history of technology in German-speaking countries will be presented and discussed together. A short input (15 min.) is followed by an open discussion among the audience (15 min.) and a reaction in dialogue with the presenter (15 min.). The event adresses the chairs and professorships in the field of the history of technology and their students as well as anyone interested in the history of technology. Read more by clicking here |
![]() Zum 1. April übernimmt Uwe Fraunholz (TU Dresden) die Lehrstuhlvertretung am Department für Geschichte. Fraunholz hat lange Jahre in Forschung und Lehre an der TU Dresden gearbeitet und war von 2016-2019 Gastprofessor für Technikgeschichte an der TU Berlin. Seine Lehrveranstaltungen im Sommersemester finden sich hier. Herzlich willkommen! |
![]() Zum Jahresanfang ist Anton Guhl an das KIT-Archiv gewechselt, um dort die Ausstellung zum 200. Jubiläum der Vorgängerinstitutionen des KIT 2025 vorzubereiten. Korinna Schönhärl tritt zum Sommersemester eine Vertretungsprofessur für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte an der Universität Paderborn an. Gisela Hürlimann übernimmt ebenfalls zum Sommersemester eine Vertretungsprofessur für Technikgeschichte und Technikwissenschaftsgeschichte an der TU Dresden. Das Department gratuliert Ihnen allen herzlich zu den neuen Positionen, wünscht alles Gute für die vielfältigen neuen Aufgaben und dankt für die schöne und anregende Zeit des gemeinsamen Arbeitens in Karlsruhe! Zugleich freuen wir uns, dass Uwe Fraunholz von der TU Dresden im Sommersemester die Vertretungsprofessur Technikkulturwissenschaft übernehmen wird, herzlich willkommen! |
![]() Kurt Möser ist nach langjähriger Tätigkeit für das Department für Geschichte mit den Themenschwerpunkten Technik- und Mobilitätsgeschichte Ende Februar in den Ruhestand gewechselt. Wir freuen uns, dass er weiterhin von Zeit zu Zeit Lehraufträge anbieten und uns mit seiner Expertise zur Seite stehen wird. Vielen Dank von Seiten des Departments und der Studierenden für das vielfältige Engagement und alle Anregungen, wie man über eine alltagsnahe Kulturgeschichte der Technik nachdenken kann! Mehr dazu findet sich z.B. in den Essay-Bänden "Grauzonen der Technikgeschichte" und "Neue Grauzonen der Technikgeschichte" (Volltextversionen). |
![]() Ein Statement von Marcus Popplow zu diesem Thema auf der diesjährigen technikhistorischen Tagung des VDI ist auf der Tagungswebsite https://tagung-technikgeschichte.de/ zugänglich (Session 2). |
Call for Papers: Workshop „Reflecting Technology in Academic Teaching" am 27./28.07.2021 Der internationale Workshop beleuchtet Auswirkungen von wissenschaftlichen und technologischen Entwicklungen auf soziale, ethische und Umwelt-Dimensionen unter dem kritischen Blickwinkel der Disziplinen Geschichte, Philosophie, Technikfolgenabschätzung und Naturwissenschaften, insbesondere was die Praxis in interdisziplinärer Forschung und Lehre anbelangt. Der Workshop findet unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Dr. Rafaela Hillerbrand (ITAS, ARRTI) und Prof. Dr. Marcus Popplow (ITZ - Dept. für Geschichte) in Karlsruhe statt. Stichtag für den Call for Papers ist der 31. März 2021. Weitere Informationen |
Ankündigung: VHS-Kurs Familiengeschichte(n) Am 28.03.2021 bieten die Familienrechtsfachanwältin und Mediatorin Claudia Hohmeister und Prof. Rolf-Ulrich Kunze an der VHS Karlsruhe einen Onlinekurs zur Einführung in die Geschichte der Familie aus systemischer und zeitgeschichtlicher Perspektive an. Es geht um erste Anregungen, die eigene Familiengeschichte mit systemisch-psychologischem sowie historischem Werkzeug zu entdecken, also etwa mit Genogrammarbeit oder der praktischen Frage, wie sich Familiengeschichte schreiben lässt. |
![]() The thematic issue "Technology and Politics" of "Technikgeschichte" contains three contributions from the annual conference of the Gesellschaft für Technikgeschichte (GtG) in Karlsruhe in 2019. They are dedicated to engineering experts in the early modern era (Marius Mutz), the political activities of the founder of computer science at the TH Karlsruhe, Karl Steinbuch, (Anton Guhl) and the founding history of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras (Roland Wittje). The editor is Marcus Popplow. More |
Workshop "Hochschuljubiläen"- Tagungsbericht erschienen Im Juni 2020 fand am Department für Geschichte ein Workshop statt zum Thema "Hochschuljubiläen zwischen Geschichte, Gegenwart und Zukunft". Nun ist auf H-Soz-Kult der Tagungsbericht von Karen Bruhn (Kiel) erschienen. Zurzeit bereiten Anton F. Guhl und Gisela Hürlimann die Veröffentlichung der Beiträge vor. Link_more |
![]() Der zeitgeschichtliche Vortrag mit Bildbeispielen möchte zur Diskussion stellen, warum Familienfotos meistens das Schicksal der Familiengeschichte überhaupt teilen: beide führen trotz ihrer Popularität in Literatur und Medien ein Schattendasein am Rand der Zeitgeschichtswissenschaft. Das ist schon deshalb bedauerlich, weil die Fotoüberlieferung zu den größten Quellen der Zeitgeschichte überhaupt gehört. Die Geschichte unserer Lebenswelt seit den 1920er Jahren ist gerade auf der Ebene der Familie vor allem eher Bild- als Textgeschichte. Vielen Zeithistorikerinnen und Zeithistorikern ist diese Quelle jedoch zu kleinteilig. Die an Familiengeschichte interessierten Laien richten ihre Anstrengungen in der Regel lediglich auf Stammbaum- und Abstammungsfragen, deren subjektive Relevanz höher ist als ihre objektive zeitgeschichtliche Bedeutung. Warum Fotoquellen subjektiv und objektiv relevant sind und wie sie sich als Ressource der Familienzeitgeschichte für die nächsten Generationen ebenso wie für die Gegenwart erschließen lassen, ist Gegenstand des Vortrags. Einf. Lit.: Rolf-Ulrich Kunze, Das halbe Jahrhundert meiner Eltern, KIT Scientific Publishing 2015 (EUKLID Studien, Bd. 8), 218 S. [kostenloser Download als E-Book]; Rolf-Ulrich Kunze, Lehrbuch Familiengeschichte. Eine Ressource der Zeitgeschichte, W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart u. a. 2018, 232 S. Link_more |
![]() In zwei neuen Podcasts spricht Christian Vater über Protagonisten in der Geschichte der Künstlichen Intelligenz, darunter Karl Steinbuch. Zudem erklärt er, warum die Erforschung der Geschichte der KI für ihn archäologische Qualitäten hat. Link zum Podcast "Die Gründerväter der KI machten sich über Bewusstsein keine Gedanken"
In Kooperation mit KIT-IMI: Neue 3D-Simulation von Schwetzinger Kulturdenkmal Im Rahmen des Projekts „3D-Digitalisierung von Kulturdenkmalen der Technik als Quellen der Technikgeschichte“ arbeitet das Department in Kooperation mit dem Institut für Informationsmanagement im Ingenieurwesen (IMI) an einem neuen Verfahren zur virtuellen Rekonstruktion von historischen Maschinen. Hierbei wird erstmalig ein Simulationsverfahren zur virtuellen Darstellung von Funktionsabläufen an digitalen 3D-Modellen von technischem Kulturerbe angewendet. Die Verfahrensweise und Ergebnisse der Simulation am Wasserpumpwerk (1762) in Schwetzingen demnächst im Video. Mehr zum Projekt |
![]() Silke Zimmer-Merkle, Technik-Historikerin am Department für Geschichte, hat über das Thema "Geschichte der Assistenzsysteme im Auto" promoviert. Ein Interview mit ihr zum "Hype um selbstfahrende Autos" ist unter dem Titel "Ein frühes Assistenzsystem war der Chauffeur" in der Stadtausgabe der Badischen Neuesten Nachrichten vom 09. Dezember 2020 erschienen, nachzulesen ist es unter dem folgenden Link, der Zugang ist kostenpflichtig. Link zum Artikel |
![]() Das neue Heft der Zeitschrift für Geschichte "traverse" enthält zwei Artikel von Mitarbeitern des Departments. Kurt Möser analysiert die Multimodalität von individueller Mobilität um 1900, also den Umstand, dass viele Zeitgenossen Erfahrungen mit unterschiedlichsten Mobilitätsmaschinen machten. Marcus Popplow gibt einen Überblick über die gewerbliche Nutzung von Lastenfahrrädern seit dem späten 19. Jahrhundert und fragt, warum sie sich erst im 21. Jahrhundert auch im Privatgebrauch etablieren konnten. Link zur Verlagsseite |
![]() The new issue of lookKIT, KIT's magazine for research, teaching, and innovation, is dedicated to the topic "Technology Consequences and Technology Visions". It contains an interview with Armin Grunwald and Marcus Popplow on the topic of "Technology Futures". In another article, Kurt Möser reports on mobility utopias yesterday and today. More |
![]() Prof. Rolf-Ulrich Kunze ist einer von 12 Expertinnen und Experten, die in der SPIEGEL-Ausgabe 52 vom 19.12.2020 zum Titelthema „O du schreckliche. Wie Weihnachten trotz allem ein Fest der Hoffnung werden kann“ zu ihrer fachlichen Perspektive befragt worden sind (S. 57). Link_more |
![]() The volume edited by Paulina Dobroc and Andie Rothenhäusler originates from a conference at KIT and addresses past and present technology futures using case studies and programmatic articles as examples. A contribution by Marcus Popplow discusses the study of technology futures from a technology history perspective. More |
![]() Karpffen, Hecht, Breßen, Bersing, Rotteln, Lauga, Grundeln ... - fast 30 verschiedene Fischarten tummelten sich in der Murg bei Rastatt in Baden - allerdings im Jahr 1600. Diese und viele weitere fischereirelevante Erkenntnisse förderte Tilman Wagle, Historiker am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, bei der Auswertung geschichtlicher Quellen zu Tage im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes zur Entwicklung von Infotafeln am Radweg Baiersbronn - Rastatt. Wagles wissenschaftliche Forschungsarbeit leistet einen wertvollen Beitrag für Weichenstellungen der Fischereibehörde, welche die Renaturierung der Murg und eine Verbesserung ihrer Gewässerökologie zum Ziel haben. Den vollständigen Artikel "Als die Lachse durchs Floßloch entwischten", erschienen am 26. Oktober 2020 in den Badischen Neuesten Nachrichten, können Sie unter dem folgenden Link nachlesen, mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Redaktion. |
![]() Das Lastenrad als billiges und schwer zu bewegendes Nutzfahrzeug fuhren zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts in deutschen Städten überwiegend Handwerker oder schlecht bezahlte Tagelöhner. In den folgenden Jahrzehnten verschwand das Lastenrad immer mehr aus dem Stadtbild, verdrängt durch den Siegeszug des Automobils. Die Umweltbewegung in den 1980er Jahren und die Entwicklung von elektrische Hilfsmotoren in jüngster Zeit hat dem Lastenrad einen neuen Aufschwung beschert. Im Gespräch mit den BNN skizziert Marcus Popplow, Technikhistoriker am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), die Entwicklung des Lastenrades hin zum umweltfreundlichen urbanen Transportmittel. Der Artikel "So wurde das Lastenrad zur trendigen Familienkutsche" vom 27. Juli 2020 kann über den folgenden Link als PDF aufgerufen werden mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Badischen Neuesten Nachrichten. |
![]() The second edition of this overview of the cultural history of technology in the Middle Ages, which was awarded the Conrad Matschoss Prize by the Association of German Engineers, has recently been published. The publisher's cover text: The Middle Ages were also a time of technical innovation. Architects, early engineers and representatives of the crafts transcended the boundaries of traditional knowledge. They created new things in the building industry, in mill and weapon technology or in the textile trade, they invented eyeglasses, the mechanical clock and book printing. Technology began to change people's living conditions as early as the Middle Ages - Marcus Popplow gives a vivid and informative overview of this. More |
Forschung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Künstlicher Intelligenz und digitalen Technikzukünften – Christian Vater im Gespräch Der Computer zwingt uns, unseren Alltag an immer neue Techniken mit all ihren Möglichkeiten anzupassen und zwängt uns Menschen in Einheitlichkeit und Vereinheitlichung – diesen Prozess nennen wir auch Digitalisierung. In seinem Online-Vortrag "Digitale Technikzukünfte. Digitalisierung als universelle Kulturtechnik." nimmt Christian Vater, Wissenschaftler am KIT-Department für Geschichte und Technikphilosoph, die Zuschauer mit auf eine Zeitreise von den Anfängen des Rechnens bis hin zu einem Ausblick in die Zukunft der Digitalisierung und Künstlichen Intelligenz. Der Vortrag wurde im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe "Innovationsgeist in der Bildung" des Innovationsnetzwerks Startfeld St. Gallen aufgezeichnet und steht als Video im Netz zur Verfügung. Die spannende Frage, ob Künstliche Intelligenz Bewusstsein entwickeln kann, erörtert Christian Vater im Podcast #4 der Reihe „Selbstbewusste KI“, nachzuhören über den folgenden Link. Das Gespräch mit Prof. Karsten Wendland, KIT - Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse ITAS, Forschungsgruppe „Digitale Technologien und gesellschaftlicher Wandel“ ist im Rahmen des BMBF-Projektes „Abklärung des Verdachts aufsteigenden Bewusstseins in der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI-Bewusstsein)“ entstanden. Link zum Podcast |
Rolf-Ulrich Kunze im Interview mit der Heilbronner Stimme: Trump schädigt Wissenschaft Klimawandel, Corona-Pandemie - von Beginn seiner Amtszeit an bestreitet der amtierende amerikanische Präsident Donald Trump die Erkentnisse der Wissenschaft. Im Gespräch mit der Heilbronner Stimme analysiert Rolf-Ulrich Kunze, Professor für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte am KIT, die Auswirkungen der US-Politik auf die Wisssenschaft und rückt die negativen Folgen dieser populistischen Politik in den Blickpunkt. Der Artikel „Wie Donald Trump die Wissenschaft torpediert" ist aus aktuellem Anlass am 30. Oktober 2020 in der Heilbronner Stimme erschienen und kann, mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Redaktion, als PDF über den folgenden Link abgerufen werden. |
Infos zum Semesterstart Liebe EUKLID-Studierende, herzlich willkommen zurück, unseren „alten Hasen“ und ein herzliches Willkommen am KIT, unseren Erstsemestern. Nun ist es offiziell: das Wintersemester wird ohne Präsenz beginnen. Ob sich für Ihre Veranstaltungen etwas ändert, entnehmen Sie in den nächsten Tagen bitte dem jeweiligen Kurs auf Ilias. Besondere Hinweise zur Begrüßungsveranstaltung für Erstsemester (die nur online wird stattfinden können) und weitere Infos zum Semesterstart für die Erstsemester gibt es auf der EUKLID-Website. Link_more |
Ankündigung: Forschungskolloquium im WS 2020/21 Im Forschungskolloquium haben zum einen Studierende die Möglichkeit, ihre in Arbeit befindlichen Abschlussarbeiten vorzustellen und zur Diskussion zu stellen. Zum anderen hören wir Vorträge von Mitarbeiter*innen des KIT und externen Gästen, um uns ein Bild über den aktuellen Stand der historischen Forschung, ihrer Themen und Methoden zu machen und diese zu diskutieren. Das Forschungskolloquium wird großteils online stattfinden, im Rahmen des Möglichen wird es u.U. einzelne Präsenzsitzungen geben. Ihre Studienleistung wird in diesem Rahmen darin bestehen, dass Sie zu einem (A-Modul) oder zwei (B-Modul) von Ihnen gewählten Vorträgen einen Bericht im Umfang von 4-5 Seiten schreiben. Sie können einen Bericht dadurch ersetzen, dass Sie den/die Referent*in einer Sitzung vorstellen, seinen/ihren Vortrag einleiten und die Diskussionsleitung übernehmen. Details dazu folgen in der ersten Sitzung. Wenn Sie Themen des Forschungskolloquiums später auch für die Modulabschlussprüfung nutzen wollen, ist dies ebenfalls möglich. Link zur ILIAS-Veranstaltungsseite |
![]() We are surrounded by complex things that operate simultaneously yet are hidden behind interfaces. This is true for the data networks in which we move as well as for autonomous systems that process our data. Smart watches, artificial intelligence, or CRISPR-Cas9 are recent examples of such black boxes, while letterpress printing or even the earliest stone tools are historical ones. In this interdisciplinary volume, sealing contexts of these black boxes are examined or attempts to open them are presented. The focus of the investigations is on individual case studies on the basis of which theoretical investigation tools are tested. Theoretical impulses come from science and technology studies and media studies, are inspired by the material culture turn, but also by (digital) phenomenology and hermeneutics. Thirteen contributions in four sections map the field in an exemplary manner; these are embedded and rounded off by four responses and a supplementary contribution on the history of ideas of automata. The volume thus provides an overview of current technology research in Germany using the example of the black box, but grounding it in the history of the discussion. Eckhard Geitz, University of Freiburg; Christian Vater, KIT Karlsruhe/University of Heidelberg; Silke Zimmer-Merkle, KIT Karlsruhe (eds.). More |
![]() This volume brings together for the first time exemplary examples of three categories of teaching in the history of technology and science: introductory courses, object-oriented as well as interdisciplinary teaching. The resulting overview encourages experimentation in the teaching of the history of technology and science, the expansion of exchange about it, and, not least, greater appreciation of the commitment of many lecturers in teaching. More |
Ankündigung: Web Seminar Tax Compliance am Montag, 19. Oktober 2020, 16.15 - 17.45 Uhr Unter dem Titel "Tax Compliance: historische Entwicklungen, rechtliche Grenzen und zukünftige Herausforderungen" hält Prof. Dr. Alfons Weichenrieder (Goethe-Universität und Leibniz-Institut SAFE) einen Impulsvortrag mit dem Thema "Steuermoral, Steueroasen und der schmale Grat zwischen Steuergestaltung und -hinterziehung”. Die anschließende Podiumsdiskussion fragt unter anderem nach dem Einfluss von Steueroasen auf die internationale Steuerplanung und Steuerhinterziehung. Inwiefern kann internationaler Informationsaustausch die Compliance erhöhen und Steuergestaltungen eindämmen? Es diskutieren: Uwe Eppler (Norton Rose Fulbright), Christine Osterloh-Konrad (Universität Tübingen), Korinna Schönhärl (KIT Karlsruhe) und Alfons Weichenrieder (Goethe-Universität und Leibniz-Institut SAFE). Moderiert wird die Veranstaltung von René Höltschi (Neue Zürcher Zeitung). Veranstalter ist das Institut für Bank- und Finanzgeschichte e.V. (IBF). |
![]() Banking historiography often does not sufficiently take into account bankers’ deliberations of their decision making, but rather limits investigation to considerations of profit maximisation. This book shows that the decision-making processes of nineteenth-century bankers contemplating high-risk financial markets like Greece are just as complex as present-day investment decisions. The book, now published in English after a first German edition, offers in-depth studies of decision making in concrete historical situations, considering political and economic circumstances and also the individual background of the actors concerned, including a reflection on the influence of cultural movements such as Philhellenism. Employing methodological inspirations from the field of behavioural finance, the book analyses a broad range of published and unpublished English, French, Greek, German and Swiss sources on European investment in Greece between 1821 and the Balkan wars. More |
The supply of mineral resources came back into the headlines a few years ago, especially in the context of rare earth metals and their emphasis for high-tech applications and the energy transition. The contributions to this special issue in the series 'European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire' (vol. 27, issue 3),edited by Ole Sparenberg (Karlsruhe) and Matthias Heymann (Aarhus ), deliberately bring together case studies from different time periods from the early 19th century to the late 20th century and different regions as well as national, transnational and international levels. All contributions focus on notions of scarce and critical resources, asking how and by which actors scarcity or criticality was determined and negotiated, which interests and contexts influenced notions of resource scarcity, to what extent actors instrumentalized resource scarcity, and how notions of scarce and critical resources were linked to broader political, social, scientific, and environmental notions. More |
Ankündigung Vortrag „Ingenieur-Geist und Geistes-Ingenieure: Ansätze einer KI-Geschichte“ am 17. September 2020, 18.30 Uhr Der Münchner Informatik-Pionier Friedrich L. Bauer nannte die Informatik in den 1970er Jahren eine „Ingenieur-Geistes- bzw. Geistes-Ingenieurwissenschaft“, weil die von den Informatikern geschriebenen Programme abstrakte immaterielle Objekte sind. Als in den 1950er Jahren in den USA das Forschungsgebiet der Artificial Intelligence entstand, stellten sich die Forscher vor, dass mit dem Ablauf von Computerprogrammen kognitive Prozesse, Denkprozesse, imitiert werden können. Mit einiger Verspätung entstand auch in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland die Forschungsdisziplin "Künstliche Intelligenz". In diesem Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Rudolf Seising (Deutsches Museum München) werden einige Meilen- und Stolpersteine ihrer Entwicklung vorgestellt. Die Veranstaltung findet statt in Kooperation mit dem ZAK im Rahmen des HEiKAexplore-Projektes "Die Zukunft Zeichnen – Technische Bilder als Element historischer Technikzukünfte in der frühen Künstlichen Intelligenz". Mehr |
![]() Am 18. Juli verstarb in seiner Heimatstadt Köln der langjährige und prägende Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Neuere und neueste Geschichte am Institut für Geschichte der Universität Fridericiana zu Karlsruhe (TH). Lill führte die Tradition von Franz Schnabel weiter und entwickelte die Karlsruher Geschichte zu einer besonderen Verbindung von politischer Neuzeit- und Technikgeschichte, in deren Tradition das Department für Geschichte steht. Mehr |
Technisches Kulturerbe virtuell erleben Die Auswirkungen der Pandemie haben abermals die Vorteile der 3D-Digitalisierung von historischem Kulturerbe aufgezeigt. Durch digitale Dokumentationen und Rekonstruktionen lassen sich wertvolle Zeugnisse der Geschichte unabhängig von Einschränkungen virtuell erleben, vermitteln sowie erforschen. Im Forschungsprojekt eHeritage hat das KIT-Institut für Technikzukünfte (ITZ) eine Wasserpumpanlage aus dem Jahr 1765 digital erfasst und zu 3D-Modellen aufbereitet. Die virtuellen Modelle sollen der Technikgeschichte als Quellen für die Objektforschung dienen. Zum digitalen Tag des offenen Denkmals am 13. September 2020 präsentiert die Denkmalpflege BW 3D-Modelle aus diesem Digitalisierungsprojekt auf Sketchfab mit VR-Funktion und informativ zusammengefasst in einem Film. Link zum Film |
Rolf-Ulrich Kunze im BNN-Interview: „Das Ausmaß des Grauens in Hiroshima ist nicht vorstellbar” Zum 75. Mal jähren sich die Atombombenabwürfe vom 06. und 09. August 1945 über Hiroshima und Nagasaki. Im Gespräch mit der BNN weist Rolf-Ulrich Kunze, Professor für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte am KIT, auf die ethische Dauerverpflichtung Forschender zur Reflexion über den Einsatz von Massenvernichtungswaffen hin. Der Artikel „Das Ausmaß des Grauens in Hiroshima ist nicht vorstellbar” ist am 03. August 2020 erschienen und über den folgenden Link nachzulesen. Mehr |
In his essay volume Reflexionen zur Zeitgeschichte. Subjekt und Methodik, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2020, 176 p., Prof. Dr. Rolf-Ulrich Kunze addresses the following questions that are relevant to society as a whole: When does a democracy fail? How must political education develop further in order to successfully meet the new challenges? Is our view of history influenced by globalization? In doing so, he takes a stand in the current debate on historical materialism and discusses the often bizarre relationship between people and things. |
![]() Hardly any other topic shapes the current political debate as much as nationalism. In his new book "Nationalism Illusions and Realities", Prof. Dr. Rolf-Ulrich Kunze deals with nationalism, explaining its historical conceptual and functional history, different types of nationalism theories, and the connection between nationalism and religion. Nationalism aims at identity, at emotionality. That is why Karl Wolfgang Deutsch speaks of nationalist thinking as an "epistemological catastrophe". Nationalism makes blind for the difficult and gray-stepped reality, because it creates new realities and simple, black and white relations. The nationalist world breaks down into us and them, good and evil. On the one hand, the nationalist-generated imagined community enables tremendous and violent achievements in war and peace; on the other hand, it is neither politically nor emotionally controllable - although all nationalists assume it is. Escalation is inscribed in it. Nationalism is a dangerous temptation for politics because it seems to open up an easily won resource. It offers boundless acceptance for many things that cannot be pushed through in the lowlands of laborious everyday negotiation. |