The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see.

Winston Churchill

Dear prospective students,

We are pleased that you are interested in studying History in the Liberal Arts and Sciences (B.A.) or EUKLID (M.A.) programs at KIT.

You can find information about the Bachelor's degree in History in the Liberal Arts and Sciences program here.

The Master EUKLID program at KIT offers an interdisciplinary education in the fields of

  • History of Ideas
  • Political history
  • Cultural history of technology and the environment

as well as the fields of philosophy

  • Theoretical Philosophy
  • Practical philosophy

With the three pillars of history, you will learn how three very different factors - ideas, politics and technology - shape history.

Click here to go to the information pages for History in the EUKLID Master's program with detailed information on all the details of the course:

Buchseiten KIT
European culture and history of ideas

Here you will find all information about the course structure.



You can use the following links to apply for the individual Bachelor and Master courses
Junger Mensch am Laptop
Application for Liberal Arts and Sciences Bachelor studies

Studying history at KIT is possible without admission restriction, the start is always in the winter semester.

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Studierende am Tisch vor einem Laptop sitzend
Application for EUKLID Master studies

Equivalent degrees from other universities in Germany and abroad can be credited to a Master's degree EUKLID  study program at KIT.

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Offers for prospective students

Logo Girls' DayGirls' Day
Girls' Day at KIT

The "Girls' Day - Girls' Future Day" is a nationwide career orientation day for girls* from the 5th grade onwards. Girls' Day gives schoolgirls the opportunity to gain insights into professional fields that are rarely chosen by women - fields in the natural sciences, technology and humanities. The next Girls' Day at KIT will take place on April 03, 2025. Further information on Girls' Day 2025 can be found under the following link.

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Plakat zum KIT CampustagKIT
Information day for prospective students

Would you like to know what the EUKLID degree program is all about and what studying history and philosophy looks like? Then you've come to the right place! Building 30.91, Room 012, 11:00-11:30 h with Silke Zimmer-Merkle. Why not also listen to the event on the elective subject Technology Assessment, which takes place directly afterwards: "Sex Robots, Intimacy, and Ethics: A Case from the Field of Technology Assessment". Ethical sex work with robots - is it possible? In the taster lecture, the elective subject Technology Assessment will give a small taste of the diverse topics of TA research. The lecture language is English, 11:35-12:25 h with Bettina-Johanna Krings and Giovanni Frigo.

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Logo der Fachschaft GeistSoz am KITFGS
The Student Council

"We are there for you about all questions and problems concerning your studies." The student council GeistSoz organizes regular meetings and offers a lot of insider knowledge.

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Gruppenfoto: Das Team der KIT Studienberatung bei Studium und Lehre (SLE)KIT
Student information from the Central Student Advisory Service

The counseling service is aimed both at high school students who are still searching for the right career and at prospective students who have specific questions about a course of study.

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