Dr. Tobias Markowitsch teaches German and History at the Bismarck-Gymnasium in Karlsruhe since 2006, he is department head for the humanities section of the Schülerakademie Karlsruhe, and since 2019 regional studies officer at the ZSL for the Karlsruhe/City region. In 2017, he received his doctorate from the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg with the thesis "Goldfisch 1944-1974. From a Nazi armaments factory to the Diedesheim machine factory." In an honorary capacity, he is active for the Verbund der Gedenkstätten im ehemaligen KZ-Komplex Natzweiler e.V. (VGKN, network of memorial sites in the former Natzweiler concentration camp complex).
title | type | semester |
Vergangenheitsbewältigung - Aufarbeitung - “Nie wieder!“: Erinnerungskultur(n) an die Zeit des NS nach 1945 | Hauptseminar (HS) | WS 24/25 |