Publications by Prof. Dr. Marcus Popplow

updated 2023



Edited volumes

Journal articles and book chapters

Technology futures and discourses on technology

  • History of Technology in Future Debates. On the bridging function of historical technology futures, in: History of Technology 88(2021), issue 4, 409-414.
  • Introduction. Topic issue on technology and the future, in: Technikgeschichte 88(2021), issue 1, 3-10.
  • On the exploration of technology futures from a technology history perspective, in 2000 revisited - Looking back to the future, Paulina Dobroç/Andie Rothenhäusler (eds.), Karlsruhe (KIT Scientific Publishing) 2020, 41-58.
  • The idea of innovation - a historical outline, in: Handbook of Innovation Research, Bärbel Blättel-Mink/Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer/Arnold Windeler (eds.), Wiesbaden (Springer) 2019.
  • Nouveau, utile et ingénieux. Les ingénieurs de la Renaissance, inventeurs d'un discours sur la technique, in: Penser la technique autrement XVIe-XXIe siècle. En hommage à l'oeuvre d'Hélène Vérin, Robert Carvais/Anne-Françoise Garçon/André Grelon (eds.), Paris (Classiques Garnier) 2017, 59-72.
  • Discourses on Technology in the Early Modern Period, in New Discourses of Scholarly Culture in the Early Modern Period. A Handbook. Herbert Jaumann/Gideon Stiening (eds.), Berlin (de Gruyter) 2016, 739-764.
  • Two cultures speaking with one voice? Invention, ingenuity, and agricultural innovation in pre-industrial European and Chinese discourse, in Cultures of Knowledge. Technology in Chinese History, Dagmar Schäfer (ed.) (=Sinica Leidensia 103), Leiden (Brill) 2011, 327-343.
  • Setting the world machine in motion - the meaning of machina mundi in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period, in: Mechanics and Cosmology in the Medieval and Early Modern Period, Massimo Bucciantini/ Michele Camerota/Sophie Roux (eds.) (= Biblioteca di Nuncius. Studi e testi 64), Firenze 2007, 45-70.
  • New, useful, and inventive. Renaissance Engineers as Pacemakers of the Modern Interpretation of Technology, in: Technology in the Early Modern Period - Pacemakers of European Modernity, Gisela Engel/Nicole C. Karafyllis (eds.) (= Zeitsprünge 8 (2004)), Frankfurt/Main (Klostermann), 336-355.
  • The Concept of Machina in the Roman Period, in: Homo Faber: Studies on Nature, Technology, and Science at the time of Pompeii, Jürgen Renn/Giuseppe Castagnetti (ed.), Roma ("L'erma" di Bretschneider) 2002, 83-90.
  • Reproducible Originality. Zur Genese eines Konzeptes technischer Erfindungen in der frühen Neuzeit, in: Johann Beckmann und die Folgen. Erfindungen - Versuch der historischen, theoretischen und empirischen Annäherung an einem vielschichtigen Begriff (= Cottbuser Studien zur Geschichte von Technik, Arbeit und Umwelt 17), Gerhard Banse/Hans-Peter Müller (eds.), Münster/New York (Waxmann Verlag) 2001, 49-63.
  • Did medieval authors have a concept of machines?, in European Technology in the Middle Ages 800-1400. Tradition - Innovation, Uta Lindgren/Ernst Berninger (eds.), Berlin (Gebr. Mann) 1996, 537-538.
  • The analysis of discourses on technology as a bridge to the "understanding of technology" of pre-modern epochs, in: Blätter für Technikgeschichte 57/58(1995/96), 71-78.
  • Agricola on the way to the modern concept of machine, in: Georgius Agricola - 500 Jahre, Friedrich Naumann (ed.), Basel/Boston/Berlin (Birkhäuser) 1994, 396-401.
  • The use of lat. machina in the Middle Ages and early modern times - from scaffolding to Zonca's mechanical turner, in: History of Technology 60(1993), 7-26.

Mobility History

  • Unnoticed, unused, underestimated? Historical Conjunctures of the Use of Freight Bicycles, in: Traverse 27(2020), issue 3, 80-103 (download the entire issue here).
  • Karl Drais (1785-1851). The inventor as minimalist, in: Balanceakte. 200 Jahre Radfahren, Bettina Gundler (ed.), Munich 2017, 12-19.
  • Vom Lastenrad zum Cargobike, in: Kultur & Technik. Das Magazin aus dem Deutschen Museum, 37(2013), issue 2, 22-17.
  • Contextualization and Public Impact: Converging or Conflicting Trends in Recent German Mobility History? in Mobility in History: Reviews and Reflections, Peter Norton/Gijs Mom/Liz Millward/Mathieu Flonneau (eds.) (=T2M Yearbook 2012), Neuchâtel (Éditions Alphil - Presses Universitaires Suisses) 2011, 63-72.
  • Europe on the move. Innovations of land transport in the run-up to industrialization, in Transportgeschichte, Rolf Peter Sieferle (ed.), Berlin (LIT Verlag) 2008, 79-142.
  • Change with Tradition. The transformation of European transport systems before the beginnings of motorized road transport, in: GAIA 14(2005), 333-340.

History of the engineering profession: Modern

  • Felix Wankel. Innovation Cultures in the Environment of the "Einsamer-Wolf GmbH", in: Innovation Cultures around the Automobile. Von gestern bis morgen, Rolf-Jürgen Gleitsmann/Jürgen E. Wittmann (eds.) (=Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe der Mercedes-Benz Classic Archive, 16), Stuttgart (Mercedes Benz Classic Archive) 2012, 131-155.
  • Inventor by profession. Felix Wankel (1902-1988), in: Momente. Beiträge zur Landeskunde von Baden-Württemberg Heft 4/2010, 16.
  • Felix Wankels Kreiskolbenmotor - eine Innovation nach Plan?, in: Innovationskultur. Von der Wissenschaft zum Produkt, Gerd Graßhoff/Rainer Schwinges (eds.), Zurich (vdf Hochschulverlag AG) 2008, 91-115.
  • Die Lust am kreisenden Kolben, in: Lust am Auto, Landesmuseum für Technik und Arbeit (ed.), Mannheim 2004, 28-33.

History of the Engineering Profession: Early Modern Times

  • Travel educates. The "Hydraulica Augustana" by Caspar Walter (1754), in: Augsburg und die Wasserwirtschaft. Studies on the nomination for UNESCO World Heritage in international comparison, Stadt Augsburg (ed.), Augsburg (context verlag) 2017, 104-125.
  • Court mathematicians, Rosicrucians, and engineering experts. The German translation of Guidobaldo del Monte's Mechanicorum liber by Daniel Mögling (1629), in Guidobaldo del Monte (1545-1607). Theory and Practice of the Mathematical Disciplines from Urbino to Europe, Antonio Becchi/Domenico Bertoloni Meli/Enrico Gamba (eds.), Berlin (Edition Open Access) 2013, 293-316.
  • "...augmenter extremement le pouvoir du genre humain" - Denis Papin's Wirken im Schnittfeld von Naturforschung und Technik, in Denis Papin. Engineer and Naturalist, Frank Tönsmann/Helmuth Schneider (eds.), Kassel (Euregio Verlag) 2009, 123-134.
  • The Return of the Artist-Engineer. Tendencies and Perspectives of Research on Leonardo da Vinci, in: NTM International Journal for History and Ethics of Science, Technology and Medicine 16(2008), 133-144.
  • Leonardo Heidelbergensis? Salomon de Caus in early modern European technological history, in Magical Machines. Salomon de Caus' Inventions for the Heidelberg Castle Garden, 1614-1619, Frieder Hepp, Richard Leiner, Rüdiger Mach, Marcus Popplow (eds.), Neustadt a.d. Weinstraße (Pollichia) 2008, 44-53.
  • Technology and Culture. Italy as a Center of Engineering Expertise in Renaissance Europe, in Italy and Europe. The Italian Contribution to European Culture, Franziska Meier/Italien-Zentrum Innsbruck (eds.), Innsbruck et al. (Studien Verlag) 2007, 97-108.
  • Uncertain Careers. Ingenieure in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit 500-1750, in: Geschichte des Ingenieurs. Ein Beruf in sechs Jahrtausenden, Walter Kaiser/Wolfgang König (eds.), Munich (Hanser) 2006, 71-125.
  • Why Draw Pictures of Machines? The Social Contexts of Early Modern Machine Drawings, in Picturing Machines 1400-1700, Wolfgang Lefèvre (ed.), Cambridge/M. (MIT Press) 2004, 17-48.
  • Engineers: The Emancipation of Technology, in: Research and Technology in the Renaissance (= Spektrum der Wissenschaft Spezial 4/2004), 84-87.
  • Machine Drawings of the "Renaissance Engineers," in: Early Modern Info 14(2003), 13-32.
  • Hydraulic Engines in Renaissance Privileges for Inventions and "Thea-tres of Machines," in: Arte e Scienza delle Acque nel Rinascimento, a c. di Alessandra Fiocca / Cesare Maffioli, Venezia (Marsilio) 2003, 73-83.
  • Heinrich Schickhardt's Machine Drawings. Insights into the Practice of Early Modern Engineering Technology, in Neue Forschungen zu Heinrich Schickhardt, Robert Kretzschmar (ed.) (= Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Geschichtliche Landeskunde in Baden-Württemberg, Reihe B Forschungen Bd. 151), Stuttgart (Kohlhammer) 2002, 145-170.
  • (with Jürgen Renn) Ingegneria e macchine, in: Rinascimento e Rivoluzione Scientifica. L'età della Rivoluzione Scientifica, a c. di D. Garber (=En-ciclopedia Italiana, Storia della scienza Vol. V), Roma 2002, 258-274.
  • Models of Machines - a "Missing Link" Between Early Modern Engineering and Mechanics?, (= Preprint 225 Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte), Berlin 2002.
  • Nature as a Model for Technical Development - Leonardo da Vinci and the Engineers of the Renaissance, in: Ferrum 72(2000), 10-17.
  • Heinrich Schickhardt als Ingenieur / Heinrich Schickhardt ingénieur, in: Heinrich Schickhardt. Baumeister der Renaissance / Heinrich Schickhardt. Maître d'oeuvre de la Renaissance, Sönke Lorenz/Wilfried Setzler (eds.), Leinfelden-Echterdingen (DRW Verlag) 1999, 75-82.
  • Protection and Promotion - Privileges for Inventions and Books of Machines in the Early Modern Period, in: History of Technology 20(1998), 103-124.
  • Protection for Inventions and Books of Machines: Stages of the Institutionalization of Technical Change in the Early Modern Period, in: History of Technology 63(1996), 21-46.

History of Technology in the Early Modern Period - General Topics

  • Technology and technical knowledge in the debate about the "Great Divergence," in: L'Europe technicienne XVe-XVIII siècle, Catherine Cardinal/Liliane Hilaire-Pérez/Delphine Spicq/Marie Thébaud-Sorger (eds.) (= Artefact 4) 2016, 299-310 (please note: important translation revisions were unfortunately omitted in the final publication).
  • Nightmares in Disneyland - a note on Andre Wakefield's critique of non-actors' terms and alleged Cold War rhetoric, in: History and Technology 31 (2015), 1-2.
  • Imparting Knowledge to the Young "galant-homme" - Architecture in the Open Knight's Square (1700-02), in Der Lehrbuchdiskurs über das Bauen, Uta Hassler/Torsten Meyer/Christoph Rauhut (eds.), Zurich (vdf Hochschulverlag) 2015, 94-111.
  • Formalization and interaction. Towards a comprehensive history of technology-related knowledge in early modern Europe, in: ISIS 106(2015), 848-856.
  • On the usefulness of knowledge history for the history of technology in the early modern period, in: Ferrum 86(2014), 7-14.
  • Technology as a Factor in the European Special Path to Industrialization. Recent publications on an open question, in: NTM Journal for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine 20(2012), 133-144.
  • Technical innovations of the early modern period. Pacemakers for the Road to Modernity?, in Departure for Modern Europe. A Handbook of Early Modern Philosophy, Hubertus Busche (ed.), Hamburg (Felix Meiner) 2011, 56-74.
  • (with Reinhold Reith) Technical Change, 1200-1800, in Discoveries and New Orders, 1200-1800, Walter Demel (ed.) (= WBG Weltgeschichte, vol. 4), Darmstadt (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft) 2010, 29-106.
  • Europe against its will? Competition for Technical Innovations as an Integrative Element of Early Modern Europe, in Europe en mouvement. Mobilizations of European Concepts in the Mirror of Technology, Angela Oster (ed.), Berlin (LIT Verlag) 2009, 19-39.
  • Identity through Competition. Techniktransfer als Bindeglied des frühneuzeitlichen Europa, in: Themenportal Europäische Geschichte (2009), URL:
  • Smoking Chimneys and Machine People. Technische Entwicklungen in bildender Kunst und Literatur am Vorabend der Industrialisierung, in: Economy and Technology on the Eve of Industrialization, Thomas Müller-Bahlke (ed.) (= Saxony-Anhalt and the 18th Century, vol. 2), Halle/Saale (Mitteldeutscher Verlag) 2005, 141-156.
  • The Popularization of Technology around 1700: "Das neu=eröffnete Machinen-Hauß" by Leonhard Christoph Sturm, in: Technikvermittlung und Technikpopularisierung. Historische und didaktische Perspektiven, Lars Bluma/Karl Pichol/Wolfhard Weber (eds.), (= Cottbuser Studien zur Geschichte von Technik, Arbeit und Umwelt 23), Münster/New York (Waxmann Verlag) 2004, 171-196 (= reprint of: Mechanics, Machines, and Technical Sights at the Beginning of the 18th Century: "Das neu=eröffnete Machinen-Hauß" by Leonhard Christoph Sturm, in: Cardanus 2(2001), 75-99).

Agriculture and Resources in the Early Modern Period

  • Zum Stellenwert des Gartenbaus in der Ökonomischen Aufklärung des 18. Jahrhunderts, in: Landesentwicklung durch Gartenkultur. Gartenkunst und Gartenbau als Themen der Aufklärung, Sylvia Butenschön (ed.), Berlin (Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin) 2014, 35-48.
  • Land Use, Agricultural Knowledge and Landscape Perception as Topics for Early Modern Environmental History, in An Environmental History of the Early Modern Period. Experiments and Perspectives, Martin Knoll/Reinhold Reith (eds.), Zurich/Münster (LIT Verlag) 2014, 67-71.
  • Knowledge Management to Exploit Agrarian Resources as Part of Late-eighteenth-century Cultures of Innovation: Friedrich Casimir Medicus and Franz von Paula Schrank, in Annals of Science, 69(2012), 413-433.
  • The Economic Enlightenment as an Eighteenth-Century Culture of Innovation for the Optimized Use of Natural Resources, in Landscapes of Agrarian-Economic Knowledge. Strategien innovativer Ressourcennutzung in Zeitschriften und Sozietäten des 18. Jahrhunderts, Marcus Popplow (ed.) (= Cottbuser Studien zur Geschichte von Technik, Arbeit und Umwelt 30), Münster/New York (Waxmann Verlag) 2010, 2-48 (PDF courtesy of Waxmann Verlag).
  • Von Bienen, Ochsenklauen und Beamten. Die Ökonomische Aufklärung in der Kurpfalz, in: ibid, 175-235 (PDF courtesy of Waxmann Verlag).
  • Economizing agricultural resources in the German economic enlightenment, in: Materials and expertise in early modern Europe. Between market and laboratory, Ursula Klein/Emma Spary (eds.), Chicago (University of Chicago Press), 2009, 261-287.
  • Scholars between fruits and vegetables. Historical Traditions of Johann Metzger's Economic Garden at Heidelberg Castle, in: With Spade and Pen. Johann Metzger (1789-1852). Landscape Architect, Botanist and Designer of the Heidelberg Castle Garden, Claudia Rink (ed.), Ubstadt-Weiher/Heidelberg/Basel (Verlag Regionalkultur) 2008, 67-71.
  • Hoffnungsträger "Unächter Acacien=Baum": Zur Wertschätzung der Robinie von der Ökonomischen Aufklärung des 18. Jahrhunderts bis zu aktuellen Konzepten nachhaltiger Landnutzung, in: Technik, Arbeit und Umwelt in der Geschichte. Günter Bayerl zum 60. Geburtstag, Torsten Meyer/Marcus Popplow (eds.), Münster/New York (Waxmann Verlag) 2006, 297-316 (PDF courtesy of Waxmann Verlag).
  • (with Torsten Meyer) "To employ each of Nature's products the most favorable way possible". Nature as an Economic Good in 18th Century German Economic Discourse, in Historical Social Research 29(2004), 4-40.

History of Technology in the Middle Ages

  • 1354: The German Inventor of Gunpowder as a Legend in the History of Technology, in: Germany. Globalgeschichte einer Nation, Andreas Fahrmeir (ed.), Munich (C. H. Beck) 2020, 124-127.
  • (with Dagmar Schäfer) Technology and Innovation within Expanding Webs of Exchange, in Expanding Webs of Exchange and Conflict, 500 CE - 1500 CE, Benjamin Z. Kedar/Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks (eds.) (=The Cambridge World History, Vol. V), Cambridge (Cambridge University Press) 2015, 309-338.
  • Technology as a Subject of Medieval Studies, in Die technikhistorische Forschung in Deutschland von 1800 bis zur Gegenwart, Wolfgang König/Helmuth Schneider (eds.), Kassel (Kassel University Press) 2007, 207-225.
  • Military technical pictorial catalogs of the late Middle Ages, in: War in the Middle Ages, Hans-Henning Kortüm (ed.), Berlin (Akademie Verlag) 2001, 251-268; 301-309.

General Topics

  • Introduction. Topic issue on technology and politics, in: History of Technology 87(2020), issue 4, 287-294.
  • Final Commentary. Conference on the History of Technology, "The Persons of Technology. Inventing, Practicing, and Learning Technology(s) in Historical Perspective," in Ferrum 91(2019), 109-113.
  • Technology, in: European History Online (EGO), Leibniz Institute for European History (IEG) (ed.), Mainz 2016-07-25.(English version).
  • Final Comment. Conference on the History of Technology "Products and Product Innovations," in Ferrum 87(2015), 69-71.
  • Commentary: "Economic calculations around resources" - reflections on the contextualization of the contributions of the thematic issue from an early modern perspective, in: Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 37(2014), 78-84.
  • (with Dagmar Schäfer) Introduction: technology and global history. Globalization, cultural comparison and cultural contact as a challenge for the history of technology, in: History of Technology 80(2013), issue 1, 3-11.
  • Anstoß für eine überfällige Debatte (Commentary on Wolfgang König: Strukturen und Akteure - Ein Vorschlag zur Konzeptualisierung technisch-historischer Entwicklung), in: Erwägen Wissen Ethik 24(2013), 577-580.
  • Final Commentary. Approaches and Perspectives on the Conference Topic "Material Flows and Material Cycles" from the Perspective of the History of Technology, in: Ferrum 85(2013), 87-89.
  • Franz Maria Feldhaus - The world history of technology on index cards, in: cut and paste around 1900. the newspaper clipping in the sciences, Anke te Heesen (ed.) (=Kaleidoskopien 4(2002)), 100-114.

Specific Topics

  • Drickelschopfe, in: Heidelberg. Jahrbuch zur Geschichte der Stadt 18 (2014), 254-256.


Articles for encyclopedias and dictionaries

  • (with Reinhold Reith) Umwelt und Technischer Wandel, in: Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, vol. 15 (Schlussbetrachtungen und Ergebnisse), Stuttgart (Metzler Verlag) 2012, sp. 1075-1090.
  • Automaton, in Encyclopedia of Modern Times, vol. 15 (Supplements), Stuttgart (Metzler Verlag) 2012, sp. 690-695.
  • Traffic and Transportation. By land, in: Encyclopedia of Modern Times, vol. 14, Stuttgart (Metzler Verlag) 2011, sp. 114-128.
  • Verkehrsnetz, in Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, vol. 14, Stuttgart (Metzler Verlag) 2011, sp. 139-142.
  • (with Reinhold Reith) Wandel, technischer, in: Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, vol. 14, Stuttgart (Metzler Verlag) 2011, sp. 594-614.
  • (with Reinhold Reith) Technische Fachsprache, in: Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, vol. 13, Stuttgart (Metzler Verlag) 2011, sp. 289-292.
  • Technical literature, in: Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, vol. 13, Stuttgart (Metzler Verlag) 2011, sp. 292-297.
  • Technisches Modell, in: Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, vol. 13, Stuttgart (Metzler Verlag) 2011, sp. 298-303.
  • Technisches Zeichnen, in: Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, vol. 13, Stuttgart (Metzler Verlag) 2011, sp. 303-310.
  • (with Bernd Hausberger and Reinhold Reith) Technologietransfer, in Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, vol. 13, Stuttgart (Metzler Verlag) 2011, sp. 319-334.
  • (with Gerhard Dohrn-van Rossum) Uhr, in: Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, vol. 13, Stuttgart (Metzler Verlag) 2011, sp. 887-891.
  • (with Gerhard Dohrn-van Rossum) Uhrmacher, in: Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, vol. 13, Stuttgart (Metzler Verlag) 2011, sp. 891-896.
  • Gunpowder, in: Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, vol. 11, Stuttgart (Metzler Verlag) 2010, sp. 726-732.
  • Popularization, technology, in: Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, vol. 10, Stuttgart (Metzler Verlag) 2009, sp. 200-204.
  • Perpetuum Mobile, in: Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, vol. 9, Stuttgart (Metzler Verlag) 2009, sp. 982-986.
  • Maschine, Allgemein / Begriffsgeschichte / Metaphorische Verwendung, in: Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, vol. 8, Stuttgart (Metzler Verlag) 2008, sp. 71-80.
  • Mechanics, practical, in: Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, vol. 8, Stuttgart (Metzler Verlag) 2008, sp. 195-200.
  • Land transport, in: Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, vol. 7, Stuttgart (Metzler Verlag) 2008, sp. 574-579.
  • Ingenieur, in: Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, vol. 5, Stuttgart (Metzler Verlag) 2007, sp. 951-973.
  • Erfindung, in: Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, vol. 3, Stuttgart (Metzler Verlag) 2006, sp. 435-440.
  • Artes mechanicae, in: Enzyklopädie der Neuzeit, vol. 1, Stuttgart (Metzler Verlag) 2005, sp. 690-693.
  • Böttger, Johann Friedrich, in: Lexikon bedeutender Naturwissenschaftler, Dieter Hoffmann/Hubert Laitko/Staffan Müller-Wille (eds.), vol. 1, Berlin (Spektrum) 2004, 223.
  • Kunckel, Johann, in Lexikon bedeutender Naturwissenschaftler, Dieter Hoffmann/Hubert Laitko/Staffan Müller-Wille (eds.), vol. 2, Berlin (Spektrum) 2004, 351.
  • (with Karl-Heinz Ludwig) Maschine, in: Lexikon des Mittelalters VI, Munich/Zurich 1992, 362-363.


  • (with Wolfgang Lefèvre) Database Machine Drawings 1200-1650:

related publications:

  • The database machine drawings: a research tool for analyzing and contextualizing technical drawings of the early modern period, in: Building Europe. Leonardo da Vinci and Heinrich Schickhardt. Zum Transfer technischen Wissens im vormodernen Europa, Robert Kretzschmar/Sönke Lorenz (eds.), Stuttgart (W. Kohlhammer) 2011, 12-25.
  • (with Wolfgang Lefèvre) "database machine drawings. A tool for indexing and researching the machine drawings of Renaissance engineers, in: History of Technology 73(2006), 115-120.