Technocracy and Nationalism? Karl Steinbuch in the 1970s and 1980s (Karlsruhe) |
Technik und Politik. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Technikgeschichte 2019 |
Anton F. Guhl |
Perspectives of an integrated history of higher education (Karlsruhe) |
Ringvorlesung: Technische Hochschulen. Perspektiven der Universitätsgeschichte |
Anton F. Guhl, M.A. |
Lecture: The Denazification of the Faculty of the University of Hamburg after the Second World War (Cologne) |
Workshop: Köln im Kontext: Die Neue Universität von 1919 und das 20. Jahrhundert |
Anton F. Guhl, M.A. |
Lecture: Testimonials of Troubled Times. Rereading Exonerating Letters in Postwar Austria and Germany (Tallahassee, USA). |
Letters in Troubled Times: Evaluating Epistolary Sources |
Anton F. Guhl, M.A. |
Lecture: Self-Reeducation through Denazification - Rethinking Political Testimonials in Post-War Germany (Nürnberg) |
Lecture: On the denazification of university dentistry - the example of Hamburg (Aachen) |
Zahnheilkunde und Zahnärzteschaft im Nationalsozialismus |
Anton F. Guhl, M.A. |
Lecture: On the Denazification of the University of Hamburg. Held on the occasion of the award of the sponsorship prize of the DGGMNT (Münster). |
1. Jahrestagung der GWMT. "Wissenschafts-, Medizin– und Technikreflexion auf dem Prüfstand: Historische und aktuelle Herausforderungen" |
Anton F. Guhl, M.A. |
Lecture: Documented I as Documented You. On Knowledge Dimensions and Functional Change of Denazification Documents (Zurich). |
Anton F. Guhl, M.A. |
Lecture: Denazified. The Historical "Place" of the Political Examination of the Past in the History of the University of Hamburg (Hamburg). |
Anton F. Guhl, M.A. |
Lecture: Denazification at the University of Hamburg (Stuttgart) |
Kolloquium DIALOGO |
Lecture: Denazification as a Speech Act. On the Construction of Identity through Questionnaires and Persilschein (Paris) |
La France et la dénazification de l'Allemagne après 1945 |
Anton F. Guhl, M.A. |
Lecture: Aspects of university personnel supplementation after National Socialism (Karlsruhe) |
Forschungskollooquium des Instituts für Geschichte am KIT
Anton F. Guhl, M.A. |
Between University Landscape and University Space around 1900 - Notes on the Historiography of Technical Colleges and Universities (Mainz) |
Vom akademischen Elfenbeinturm zum Studium Generale: Funktion, Aufgabe und Status von Hochschulen und Hochschullehrenden im öffentlichen Raum |
Anton F. Guhl |
Active Amnesia in Post-World War II Germany (Cambridge) |
The Politics of Amnesia. Germany and beyond, 1800 – 2018 |
Anton F. Guhl, M.A. |
Lecture: Testimonials against the crisis: (re)constructing the self in post-war Germany (Oxford) |
"Rethinking Crisis" |
Anton.F. Guhl, M.A. |