Prof. Dr. Rolf-Ulrich Kunze
- prof. modern history
- group: Department of History
- office hours: Please register for consultation by e-mail.
- room: Büro Kunze
CS 20.53 - phone: +49 721 608-45499
- rolf-ulrich kunze ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- Neuer Zirkel 1
76131 Karlsruhe
Publications below
- Contemporary church history, history of Protestantism
- History of science of the 20th century
- History of the Netherlands in modern times
- History of nationalism
- History of Germany 1933-45
- History of the family in the 20th century
- Contemporary Anthropology
- Global History in the Anthropocene
Completed DFG projects
- Heisenberg Program, 2000-2002. Project: European History of Monarchy and Parliamentarism in the 19th Century: Johan Rudolf Thorbecke and Constitutional Nation Building in the Netherlands, 1798-1872 (more).
- Project, together with Prof. Dr. Jochen-Christoph Kaiser, FB Evang. Theologie, Universität Marburg, 2004-2011. Project: 'Kirchenkampf', Theologiepolitik und Auseinandersetzung mit dem NS-Regime: Die Evang. Landeskirche Badens, 1933-45 (more).
Completed EU/Euregio project
- Application preparation and submission EU-/INTERREG-Project: Teaching material D-NL / Lesmateriaal D-NL Kennis van Nederland en Duitsland: Lesmateriaal voor de HAVO/VWO - bovenbouw, WWU-ZNS, 2020-22. The project develops teaching materials for the upper grades of Gymnasien and Gesamtschulen in the Federal Republic of Germany and the upper grades of HAVO/VWO in the Netherlands:
Current publication projects
- New edition of the KSP Coursebook Recent and Technical History Coursebook History of European and Global Modernity. Questions, types of texts, KIT Scientific Publishing
- New edition of Rolf-Jürgen Gleitsmann, Rolf-Ulrich Kunze, Günther Oetzel, Modern History of Technology: An Introduction to its History, Theories, Methods, and Current Research Fields, utb, September 2022, 400 p.,
Long-term project Family History as a Resonance Space of Civil Society.
- Formation of a network on the history of the family in the 20th century:, including events at the Evang. Christuskirchengemeinde Karlsruhe, lectures, storytelling cafés, family contemporary history EUKLID teaching events, workshops on dealing with family lore. Cf. BNN 31.5.2019: Treasures of memory. A look into photo albums at the first Karlsruhe storytelling café;;
- 1968 Born in Osnabrück
- 1989-94 Studied History, German and Political Science at the Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main and the Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg. Scholarship holder of the German National Academic Foundation (studies and doctorate)
- 1989-2003 Reviewer for the STADTBLATT magazine Osnabrück, texts for radio and the satirical magazine Eulenspiegel
- 1994 M.A., University of Würzburg: History, German Studies, Political Science
- 1994-98 Assistant lecturer for contemporary history, University of Würzburg
- 1996 Doctorate (Dr. phil.), University of Würzburg, dissertation on protestant church history
- 1996-2000 Research assistant at the Department 16: History, Dept. of Contemporary History, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
- 1998 Assistant in the planning staff of the Federal President in the Office of the Federal President
- 1999 Habilitation in Modern and Contemporary History, University of Mainz, habilitation thesis on the history of science
- 2000/2001 Research associate at the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt am Main
- 2001 Substitute Chair of Modern and Contemporary History at the Institute of History of the University of Karlsruhe (TH)
- 2001/2002 Heisenberg Fellow of the DFG
- 2002-2006 Managing Director of the Research Center Resistance to National Socialism in the German Southwest, Institute of History, University of Karlsruhe (TH). 2003 Baden-Württemberg State Civil Servant for Life
- 2004-2006 DFG project with Prof. Dr. Jochen-Christoph Kaiser, Dept. of Protestant Theology, Philipps-Universität Marburg: Theology Policy, Church Struggle and Conflict with the Nazi Regime: The Protestant Church in Baden, 1933-45.
- 2007-2016 Institute of Philosophy, University of Karlsruhe (TH), then KIT: Establishment and coordination of historical teaching in the B.A./M.A. program European Culture and History of Ideas.
- 2010 Teaching Award of the KIT Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- WS 2019/20 substitution of the director and chair of modern and recent history of the Netherlands at the Center for Dutch Studies of the Westphalian Wilhelms University Münster (Prof. Dr. Friso Wielenga)
- SoSe 2022 substitution of the professorship for technology culture studies at the Department of History of KIT.
- 2023 Teaching Award of the KIT Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Public History
- Subject profile Modern and Recent History of the KIT Press Department on the KIT homepage:, the database Clio Online:
- Dutch History, History of the Royal House of the Netherlands and Constitutional History of the Monarchy in the Netherlands in cooperation with the Center for Dutch Studies, University of Münster. Virtual Library ViFa BeNeLux:
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Lernort Zivilcourage & Widerstand e. V. Project Lernort Kislau. Historical learning for civil resistance:
Media activities
- Feature on Deutschlandfunk by Susanne Lohse with interviews of participants of the HS History of the Family under National Socialism, WS 2018/19, Jan. 27, 2019. To listen:
- SWR broadcast Planet Wissen on the topic "Vater, Mutter, Kind. Familie im Wandel": studio guest on the topic of family history. Broadcast dates: SWR | September 11, 2019, 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m., WDR | September 11, 2019, 1:05 p.m. - 2:05 p.m., ARD-alpha | September 11, 2019, 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.;;
- Interviews on contemporary assessment of the Corona crisis, esp. of conspiracy theories, May 2020: BNN:; Baden-TV: (from 13:44), weekly Forum:
- Interview with Kohlhammer blog on the new publication Reflexionen zur Zeitgeschichte:
- Interview with BNN on the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima:
- Interview partner for SPIEGEL Geschichte in the documentary "Attack of the Aluhüte - über Verschwörungstheorien und ihre Anhänger", available on 6.10.2020
- Interview partner for BNN on the topic of the 1964 SPD federal party conference in Karlsruhe: Sebastian Raviol, Schnaps und Eier. How Brandt awarded ministerial posts in Karlsruhe, in BNN 25.05.2021, p. 9.
- Mayk Opiolla, Langeoog in social historical research, in Langeoog Aktuell 23.07.2021: Presentation of the monograph Langeoog. A Historical Narrative, 1930-1980, KSP, Karlsruhe 2013.
- Ekart Kinkel, "Der Alltag hinterlässt Spuren" Interview on the new publication of Arsenal. Kompendium dinglicher Vorstellungen, in: BNN 3.8.2021, p. 28,
- Introductory lecture in the lecture series ,50 Jahre Grenzen des Wachstums' (50 Years of Limits to Growth), organized by a student initiative group and held in cooperation with ZAK, WS 2021/22:
- Interview with Elvira Weisenburger, BNN, on the crisis of democracy: "Limits of shame sink, aggressiveness rises", BNN 28.12.2021, p. 13/Badisches Tagblatt 29.12.2021;
- Online lecture at the Heinrich Hertz Society, Karlsruhe, Feb. 9, 2022: Where is Weimar today? And how much Weimar is in the Weimarization of the Federal Republic?
- Interview with dpa on the 50th anniversary of the Club of Rome report "Limits to growth":
- Interview with Elvira Weisenburger, BNN, on the Ukraine crisis, BNN 28.02.2022:
- Interview with 3Sat Wissen NANO on the 50th anniversary of the Club of Rome report "Limits to growth":
- Interview on the occasion of Elizabeth II's birthday on European monarchies, hr2 Kultur "Der Tag", 22.04.2022, from 19:05:,podcast-episode-101328.html
- Studio guest on the topic of family history on Planet Wissen (WDR), 04/29/2022:; broadcast:
- In the study programs European Culture and History of Ideas EUKLID B.A., M.A. ( responsible for Modern and Contemporary History (1500 to present) with a focus on Political History as well as Theory of History.
- Responsible for modules and examiner Political History in the study programs EUKLID B.A. and EUKLID M.A.
- Member of the study commission and the examination board of the KIT Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
- Member of the PhD Committee of the KIT Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
- Teaching concept, profile of my teaching in political history: political history of the Anthropocene.
- Recorded video/audio files of the lecture in SoSe 2020: Political History of Europe, Part I: 1800-1900 (Introduction to Political History):
- Example of designing a web exhibition on a seminar topic: Marija Geiger, A Virtual Exhibition on Karl Lamprecht (1856-1915)(handout, script, exhibits).
title | type | semester |
Alternative time-streams der Politikgeschichte Mitteleuropas seit 1800 | Oberseminar (OS) | WS 24/25 |
Forschungskolloquium | Kolloq./OS (KOL/OS) | WS 24/25 |
Rassismus ( PolG 1.1 Einführung in die Politische Geschichte) | Vorlesung (V) | WS 24/25 |
Sparsamkeitszeitgeschichte. Irrtümer, Methoden und Quellen | Hauptseminar (HS) | WS 24/25 |