Prof. Dr. Korinna Schönhärl
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- korinna schoenhaerl ∂ uni-paderborn de
Frau Prof. Dr. Korinna Schönhärl ist seit Oktober 2021 Heisenberg-Professorin für Neuere/Neueste Geschichte an der Universität Paderborn.
Research focus
- Social, cultural and economic history of the 19th and 20th centuries
- History of economic thought
- History of Greece in the 19th/20th century
- Banking and financial history
- Methods of historical research
- History of tax morality
Ongoing Heisenberg Project
Recent Publications
- Schönhärl, K., European Investment in Greece in the Nineteenth Century. A Behavioural Approach toFinancial History, New York 2020.
- The 2015 Greek referendum on the Eurogroup's terms, in Southeastern Europe Communications 60 (2020) 1-2, pp. 67-82.
- "How deeply the core of this people is related to the ancient being". "Cultural brokers" and their strategies for conveying the unknown, in: Historical Journal, 310 (2020) 2, 285-30.
- Tax morality in post-World War II West Germany. A discourse-analytic reconstruction, in Leviathan 47 (2019) 2, 169-191.
- "The Imperative of Nassauering, Durchmogelns und Absahnens": debates on tax morality in the FRG in the early 1980s, in: GWU 70 (2019) 11/12, 678-694.
- Socially Responsible Investment in the 19th century: A Greek case study, in: Vierjahresschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte/Journal of Social and Economic History 106 (2019) 2, 167-190.
- Emotions in decision-making processes: The family bank Eichthal and its investment decisions for Greece in the 19th century, in: Entreprises et histoire 91 (2018) 2, 14-28.
Thematically sorted list of publications
Further information:
- Since October 2021 Professor for Modern and Contemporary History at the University of Paderborn
- Since October 2020 substitute of the professorship for technology culture science at KIT
- In WS 2018/19 and in WS 2019/20 visiting professor at the University Lumiére Lyon 2
- Since March 2018, head of the Heisenberg project "International Cultural History of Tax Morality" at Goethe University Frankfurt, see
- From April 2009 to February 2018, research associate at the Chair of Economic, Social and Cultural History at the University of Duisburg-Essen
- Nov. 2016 Habilitation at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Venia Legendi for Modern/Newest History. The habilitation thesis "Finanziers in Sehnsuchtsräumen. European Banks and Greece in the 19th Century" was awarded the Special Prize of the Foundation for the Humanities International in Spring 2019.
- In the academic year 2016/17 support fellow at the Historical College in Munich.
- 2008 PhD with the thesis "Knowledge and Visions. Theory and Politics of Economists in the Stefan George Circle," awarded the Friedrich Sperl Prize of the Goethe University Frankfurt for the best historical dissertation.
- 2005 to 2008 Research assistant in the Collaborative Research Center "Knowledge Culture and Social Change" at the Goethe University Frankfurt a.M.
- 2003 to 2005 traineeship for teaching at a grammar school
- 1st state examination in June 2003 with the thesis "You don't know the German soul, Mr. Etzel!" Fritz Lang's Nibelungen film in comparison to the Middle High German epic poem
- Erasmus semester at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- 1997-2003 Studies of History and German Language and Literature at the University of Regensburg
Titel | Typ | Semester |
Working techniques in the field of history 2 | Proseminar (PS) | WS 20/21 |
Working techniques in the field of history 1 | Proseminar (PS) | WS 20/21 |
Research Colloquium | Kolloq./OS (KOL/OS) | WS 20/21 |
After Franco. The Transición to Democracy in Spain 1975-1982 | Hauptseminar (HS) | WS 20/21 |
*EVENT* | Oberseminar (OS) | WS 20/21 |