Prof. Dr. Marcus Popplow
- Chair for the history of technology, head Department of History, dean of studies Europäische Kultur und Ideengeschichte (BA/MA)
- office hours: By appointment, please send a short e-mail with your request, thank you!
- phone: +49 721 608-43496
- marcus popplow ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Neuer Zirkel 3
D-76131 Karlsruhe
Science and Research
Field of Activity and Membership
Dean of Studies for the degree programs European Culture and History of Ideas (BA/MA)
Member of the Faculty Council of the KIT Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Member of the Commission for Scholarships and Prizes of the KIT Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Member of the Senate Commission for Examination Regulations, Selection and Admission at KIT
Member of the Board of Directors of the Academy for Responsible Research, Teaching and Innovation (ARRTI) at KIT
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the History of Technology Conference of the Iron Library of Georg Fischer AG, Schaffhausen
Member of the Board of Trustees of the Deutsches Museum, Munich
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Mining Museum Bochum
Expert consultant, e.g. for the European Commission, DFG and BMBF
Member of the GTG (Gesellschaft für Technikgeschichte), the GWMT (Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, der Medizin und der Technik), the GfA (Gesellschaft für Agrargeschichte), of the T2M(International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility) in the VHD (Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands) and in the KIT-Fördergesellschaft e.V.
Member of the Scientific Board of the journal Technikgeschichte (published by the VDI and the Gesellschaft für Technikgeschichte) (2010-2021)
Deputy Chairman of the Society for the History of Technology (2016-2021)
Partial editor for the sections "Engineer" and "Land Transport" in the Encyclopaedia of Modern Times (Metzler Verlag / Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut, Essen) (2002-2012)
Academic Distinctions
1992 Awarded the Rudolf Kellermann Prize for the History of Technology for his master's thesis on the medieval concept of machines.
2013 Award for the monograph "Technology in the Middle Ages" of the "Conrad-Matschoß-Prize" given by the Verein deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) - Association of German Engineers
Academic Career
1987-1992 Studies in History and German at the Universities of Heidelberg and Bremen
1993-1995 Short-term scholarships by the Research Institute at the German Museum, Munich, the DAAD (Università di Milano) and the Centro Tedesco di Studi Veneziani, Venice
1997 Doctorate (Dr. phil.) University of Bremen
1997-2001 Postdoctoral Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
2001-2002 Research Associate at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
2002-2005 Research associate (DFG) at the BTU Cottbus
2005-2010 independent work in university research and teaching as well as history education
2009 (summer term) substitute in the academic council at the Chair for the History of Natural Sciences and Technology, University of Stuttgart
2011 (summer semester) Substitute in the Chair for History of Science and Technology, University of Stuttgart
2011-2012 Austrian Science Fund (FWF) project assistant at the Chair for Economic, Social and Environmental History, University of Salzburg
2012-2013 (winter semester) Visiting professor at the Department of History, University of Salzburg
2013-2014 (winter semester) Substitute in the Chair for Early Modern History, University of Augsburg
2014-2016 Head of the History of Technology Department at the Institute for Philosophy, History of Literature, History of Science and History of Technology, TU Berlin
- Studies director in the modules "History of Ideas in Europe I", "History of Ideas in Europe II"
and "Cultural History of Technology I" in the study program EUKLID B.A.
title | type | semester |
Forschungskolloquium | Kolloquium (KOL) | SS 2025 |
Technik- und Umweltgeschichte für Maschinenbaustudierende | Seminar (S) | SS 2025 |