Protestant Adult Education Karlsruhe, JungeAlte Lecture: Did Weimar have to fail?

  • chair:

    Evangelische Erwachsenenbildung Karlsruhe, JungeAlte

    Vortrag: Musste Weimar scheitern?

  • place:

    Gemeindehaus Karlsruhe-Durlach, Am Zwinger 5

  • sws:


  • Referent:

    Prof. Dr. Rolf-Ulrich Kunze

  • Zeit:


  • Quelle:

  • Did the Weimar Republic have to fail?

    23.1.2019, 9.30 a.m.

    The Weimar Republic is understood as a failing democracy, especially in distinction to the democracy of the Basic Law. It was burdened by defeat in World War I, effective anti-democratic mentalities, and a general rejection of the postwar Versailles order by the majority of Germans. But was it really a 'republic without republicans'? What does a European comparison of the Weimar constitution reveal? What role did the experiences of hyperinflation, Berlin Modernism, and the Great Depression play? The lecture will discuss these and other contexts of the 'failure' of a democratic constitutional order. This also includes the question of whether Berlin could perhaps become Weimar.

    Introductory literature: Ian Kershaw, Höllensturz. Europa 1914 bis 1949, Munich 2017; Rolf-Ulrich Kunze, Nation und Nationalismus, Darmstadt 2005.