Further information on research at the department can be found on the respective faculty pages.

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Photo: Giorgi Astamadze

After the October Revolution in Russia, Georgia took the path to independence. The German Empire became an ally of the new state in May 1918. In the Georgian republic, which had grown up on the ruins of the October Revolution, Germany was seen as the representative of European civilization. Georgian nationalists had been working with Germany's military authorities since 1914 to stage an insurrection against Russia in the Caucasus. After the Bolsheviks came to power in Russia, the Georgian political elite supported secession from Moscow and German military intervention in Georgia to hold back the Young Turks as well as the Bolsheviks. For Berlin, rapprochement with Tbilisi represented a prerequisite for its Orientalist aspirations. The work (2022) examines German-Georgian relations during World War I, focusing on 1918, and is published by Brill I Schöningh (link to publisher's page).

Abstract (download)

Master Theses
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Collection album with advertising, collection and glossy pictures, probably after 1914

This master's thesis (August 2022) uses selected objects from the collection "Kindermedienwelten" (Children's Media Worlds) of the IfaK at the Stuttgart Media University to explore the nationalization process of childhood through children's media at the time of the German Empire. With its foundation in 1871, the empire represented the apparent endpoint of a long and unsteady process of unification of German states. In the following decades, a multitude of different measures intended to serve the internal formation of the empire can be observed. Alongside approaches such as the unification of infrastructures stand attempts to construct a nation with a long history through retrospectives and visions of the future. Children appeared in this system as an integral part of the "people's power." Subsequently, this work is dedicated to the question of how the nation integrated itself into the children's room and everyday life. For this purpose, four objects from the period of the German Empire in the collection "Kindermedienwelten" were examined more closely: Issues of the magazine supplement "Im Reiche der Kinder," a Laterna magica picture series, a scrapbook, and a German Red Cross postcard. Download (2 pages)

Schwarzweiß-Fotografie: Großmutter der Autorin als kleines Mädchen

This master thesis (December 2022) deals with the author's own family history, based on eyewitness interviews with her grandmother, who was born in 1932, during the National Socialist era. The focus is on the family's everyday life on the Old Mark farm and the grandmother's school years. The memories of the witness are embedded in political, social and economic processes of the years 1930 - 1945. In the course of this, a look at the research field of oral history is taken. Furthermore, this master thesis explores the question of the role of generational memory, especially in connection with the experience of the Second World War, in family history. In doing so, the question is discussed to what extent family history represents a resource of contemporary history that should be preserved. (Abstract)

Foto einer Deutschlandfahne mit dem Schriftzug "Des Volkes Freiheit"

Diese Masterarbeit (Januar 2024) ist ein Beitrag zur Demokratiegeschichte, indem sie
Theorie und Praxis der Demokratie nebeneinander stellt, um ihre Entwicklungslinien,
Brüche und Kontinuitäten herauszuarbeiten. Dies veranschaulicht erstens, dass Demokratie
sowohl in der Theorie als auch in der Praxis ein fortwährender Prozess ist. Damit ist
gemeint, dass sich die Vorstellungen davon, was eine demokratische Ordnung ausmacht
sowohl räumlich als auch zeitlich verändern. Daher muss gesagt werden: Die eine
Demokratie gibt es nicht. Vielmehr gibt es viele Arten von Demokratie. Zweitens wird
gezeigt, wie sich die demokratietheoretische Vielfalt, die ihre Wurzeln in der europäischen
Ideengeschichte hat, auf die praktische Umsetzung des Demokratieprinzips ausgewirkt und
sich in diesem niedergeschlagen hat. Aufgrund dessen ist die vorliegende Arbeit in zwei
Themenabschnitte gegliedert. In einem ersten Schritt wird, ausgehend von der
Versammlungsdemokratie des antiken Athen die Entwicklung der Demokratieidee über die
Denker der Aufklarung bis zur Entstehung der liberalen und repräsentativen Demokratie
der Moderne nachgezeichnet. Im zweiten Abschnitt wird die demokratische Entwicklung
in Deutschland aus verfassungsgeschichtlicher Perspektive betrachtet, wobei die Weimarer
Reichsverfassung von 1919 als Grundlage der ersten deutschen Demokratie im Mittelpunkt
der Untersuchung steht.